Warden's Keep |
10-8-2009 |
10-8-2009 |
 PC |
10-8-2009 |
10-8-2009 |
Long ago, Grey Wardens were the hero's of Ferrelden. They were there every time a Blight came to pass, and thus they ended them. Saviors to the world, and honored among common, noble, kings and and emperors. Their home laid to the west of Amaranthine in the northern reaches of Ferrelden. From here they could get anywhere quickly. Some centuries ago, the Wardens took arms against the King of Fereldon. This lead to a attack on the Keep, and the death of most, if not all, Wardens in Fereldon. Their stronghold, Soldier's Peak, was left to fall apart and decay with time. Soon the very location of the fortress passed out of all knowledge.
Now someone has entered your camp, in hopes that you will help him. He is Levi Dryden, Grandson of the Warden Commander of Soldier's Peak, Sophia Dryden, Acted with honor. Now you can travel with him to the forgotten Keep, in search of the truth to the past.
Wardens Keep is something of a simple side task, rather than a full blown quest. It almost seems that this was something that might have been in the game originally, but was removed. In Soldier's Peak you can take your party through the forgotten realm of the Wardens of old, while uncovering clues about the truth of what happened and gaining loot that is...well...pretty darn good. Once you have aided Levi Dryden find out the truth of what happened with his Great Grandmother, he will set up shop outside, as will his brother, a smith. Perhaps the single greatest addition to Wardens Keep is the storage chest. Once you have completed the DLC, a storage chest will appear by where Dryden is standing. This is something the game was definitely lacking before Wardens Keep, and there were more than just a few fans cheering when it was obtained.
Soldier's Peak
Ancient History
Meteor Metal Ore
Before even getting Wardens Keep, you might have come along a cut scene while traveling. In this scene, to elderly couple discuss finding a small boy in a meteor crash site, and decide to take and raise him as their own. This is clearly a homage to Superman, all the way to the lady being called Marta (Martha). And you get a small ore out of the hole...but you cannot do anything with it. Well, this is where that useless hunk of rock becomes relevant. In Wardens Keep, Levi's brother is a smith. If you bring him the ore, he will smith it into either a longsword or Great sword named Starfang. This is a completely unique, un-tiered weapon that is simply amazing in stats. Might not be the best of the best, but it is right on up there.
Origin and Awakening Items
Antique Warden Crossbow
Asturian's Might
Robes of Avernus
Shadow Belt
Starfang (Long Sword)
Starfang (Greatsword)
Warden Commander Boots
Warden Commander Armor
Warden Commander Gloves
Warden Tower Shield
Winter's Breath