Jerrik |
Fighting Class |  |
Specialization |  |
Jerrik has a reputation for getting difficult tasks done, and done effectively. An elite veteran of many Deep Roads expeditions, Jerrik has survived The Battle of Umgol Hale, The Last Stand of Paerin Aeducan, and was pivotal in the recent campaign that pushed the darkspawn from Orzammar's mining tunnels out past Caridin’s Cross. He has become something of a hero in Orzammar, and many dwarven nobles and commoners alike seek out his aid in different tasks. |
Begining Skills
Talents: Rogue
Talents: Duelist
Talents: Duel Weapon
Begining Equipment
Quicksilver Arming Cap
Pushback Strikers
Vest of the Nimble
Silverhammer's Tackmasters
Dumat's Spine
Dumat's Claw
Fencer's Cinch
The High Regard of House Dace
Ring of Resistance
Ring of the Warrior

Borgan |
Fighting Class |  |
Specialization |  |
With the reputation of Jerrik Dace, hardly anyone realizes he has a brother. Brogan, a loyal member of the Dwarven Warrior Caste for decades, has fought alongside his brother in many critical campaigns. Yet with all the success, Borgan has not wanted or received the same glory as Jerric does. He is soft-spoken and a simple manner about him. He is often cited as being a simple person, but is respected amongst his peers for being a solid, dependable dwarf. His love and loyalty to Jerric is very rare in dwarven nobility. |
Begining Skills

Talents: Warrior
Talents: Berserker
Talents: Reaver
Talents: Weapon and Shield
Begining Equipment
Dwarven Full Helm
Dwarven Heavy Gloves
Dace Family Armor
Dwarven Heavy Boots
The Crafthall's Wall
Dwarven Smith's Belt
Par Vollen Willstone
Ring of Resistance
Ring of the Warrior

Runic Golem |
Fighting Class |  |
Specialization | N/A |
The Runic Golem was left in the great depths of the Deep Roads, somewhere around the great Amgarrak. It is not known why the golem was left there, or even how it ended up there. The Warden and Jerric find it, and its Control Rod, and decide to use it in their journey to Amgarrak. Once inside, they uncover research notes on the golem, that make great enhancements to the giant. Outside of these notes of enhancement, there is nothing on the golem's history, or even who was sacrificed to create it. |
Begining Skills N/A |
Talents: Warrior

Talents: Upgrades
Talents: Passive
Critical Hit Immunity
Begining Equipment
N/A |

Snug |
Fighting Class | N/A |
Specialization | N/A |
Snug is Jerrics failthful companion in battle and out. Jerric found the Bronto on his first military campaign, and nursed him back to full health. Snug is unquestionably loyal to his master, and a very intelligent beast. He never leaves his masters side, and has proven more than a match for anyone in battle. |