Return to Ostagar |
11-19-2009 |
11-19-2009 |
 PC |
11-19-2009 |
11-19-2009 |
The great battle of Ostagar, rather the slaughter of King Calin and the Grey Wardens has never left the minds of those who were involved. Still haunting their every waking moment, they have tried to press ahead. Now the rumor has surfaced of another survivor of the battle, and it is up to the Warden to seek him out, and uncover some of what really happened there on that fateful night.
Return to Ostagar is an additional portion of the game, rather than a real DLC. With this, you will be allowed to return to the scene of King Calin and the Grey Warden's betrayal at the hands of Logain. You can travel the old fortress, now covered in snow, as you did when you first began the game. Your looking for anything that might explain what went wrong, as well as any sign of his majesty King Calin.
Your main objective through this is to unravel what transpired during the original battle, and try and uncover anything that might lend some light to Logain's retreat on the battle field. You will uncover a lot of things concerning the possible reasons, as well as some great armor and weapons.
The neat little thing is that during this journey, if you take those involved in the original Ostagar battle, (Alistair, Wynne, and Logain) they will have separate dialogues pertaining to the event. So you should definitely bring them along, to hear what they have to say.
Another nice treat for those who did not get the mabari Hound in their first run through, you will get another chance to get him here. And you can get him without performing any type of tasks.
A King's Confidant
Return to Ostagar
Origin And Awakening Items
Calin's Boots
Calin's Gloves
Calin's Helmet
Calin's Breastplate
Calin's Shield
Maric's Blade
Duncan's Sword
Duncan's Dagger
Nug Crusher
Corrupted Magister's Staff
Joining Chalice (Gift)