Welcome to the Dragon Age Kingdom. Here you can immerse in what has become on of the most popular, fastest growing RPG's in the world. Simply put Dragon Age is America's answer to Final Fantasy, and it was done very well.
Bioware and EA games decided it was time to up the anti on the RPG front, which for almost as long as video games has been around, was dominated by Japan. They have had great success with the Baulder's Gate and Knights of the Old Republic series, but despite being fantastic, they went back to the drawing board. What did they come up with? A far superior RPG than either one of them...Dragon Age. In a short 2 years  Since the 2009 release, the fan base for this franchise has gone over the top.
Not only did they go on to create a fantastic game that had every possible depth and appeal to it, they made it simply the best of the best. from stunning voice actors, to a great, engrossing, epic story; Dragon Age had everything you could want from it. There was a great range of what could be done in the game, as well as things you could obtain through DLC. And Bioware even went as far as creating different Armor that was shared between Dragon Age, and its sister title Mass Effect. This almost made it completely worth getting a hold of both titles just to have it.
With the sagging fortunes of RPG's in general, with no real direction, Dragon Age has certainly re-established the RPG as a genre to be reckoned with. With its DLC, you got new side quests, stories, and great equipment for the next run through. Awakening proved to be perhaps the greatest expansion game made for a title, and holds its own as a singular game. This has not been seen since the Mournhold and Solstheim expansions in Elder Scrolls III Morrowind.
Inside Dragon Age Kingdom, you will discover this immerse universe, complete with all the information you will want to know about. But being that this is a ever evolving game, with so many different interesting faucets, it will not be confined to just the basic stats weapons and spells. Eventually there will be things such as the dialogue between the companions, and other little fun tid-bits. As DLC is made available, it will be covered as well. So please come on in, and take a good look through America's RPG powerhouse Dragon Age!