In the beginning of the game, you are able to choose from three different races. Within these races are up to two different storylines that you can play through. These are known as the Origin Stories.
A unique feature in Dragon Age Origins is that say if you choose a human noble, you will still learn of the other Origin stories while playing the game. Each of the stories are intertwined into the main plot in some way or another.
Human Noble |
You are the youngest child of Teryn Cousland, Arl of Highever. Your father and brother are riding south with long time friend Rendon Howe to aid in the battle at Ostagar. Howe's men are a day behind schedule, for some unknown reason. While they are away, you will be in charge of the going ons inside the castle. When night comes, you find that your castle has been invaded, and people are being killed everywhere. Together with your mother, you go in search of your family, and the truth of what is happening. |
Beginning Skills: Warrior
Beginning Skills: Rogue
Beginning talents: Warrior

Beginning talents: Rogue
Unique items in story
Family Sword
Shield of Highever
Human Noble Quests
Father's Task
Mischief in the Larder
Sweet Iona/Sweet Dairren
Howe Treachery
The Cousland Treasury
City Elf |
You have grown up in the Alienage of Denerim. You awaken on the day you and your cousin Soris are to marry. All of your closest family and friends are their to see you off. The joyous day is cut short when Bann Vaughan arrives and starts mistreating the women. Another of your cousins, Shianni, knocks him out with a vase. His friends carry him off, and Duncan arrives looking for new recruits. He tells you of your mother, and hints towards recruiting you. When you finally begin your ceremony, Bann Vaughan returns with armed guards. He then abducts the women present and takes them to his estate. Now it is up to you to free the captors. |
Beginning Skills: Warrior
Beginning Skills: Rogue
Beginning talents: Warrior

Beginning talents: Rogue
Unique items in story
Plot Items |
Alienage |
Arl of Denerims estate |
Rat Poison
Brandy |
Wedding Clothes
Adia's Boots
Borrowed Longsword (From Duncan if male) |
Bloodstained Shield
Denerim Guard Shield
Heirloom Necklace
Wedding Ring
Borrowed Longsword (From Soris if female) |
Dalish Elf |
You and your childhood friend Tamlen are hunting in the Barcelian Forset. You run into some humans that tell you of a ruin they found not far off. You choose to explore this ancient site with your friend. When Tamlen touches a flawless mirror in the ruin, he unleashes a powerful magic that knocks you out. Duncan arrives and takes you to camp, where you awaken days later. You go back in search of Tamlen, and meet Duncan. He tells you of what he knows about the Darkspawn taint emanating from the mirror. There is only one way for you to survive your sickness, and that is to join the Grey Wardens. |
Beginning Skills: Warrior
Beginning Skills: Rogue
Beginning talents: Warrior

Beginning talents: Rogue
Unique items in story
Plot Items |
Dalish Camp |
Elvin Ruins |
Elvin Artifact
Key |
Heirloom Necklace
Keeper's Ring |
Dalish Leather Belt |
Dalish Elf Quests
The Lost Mysteries of the Ancients
Common Dwarf |
Castless. You and your family are considered to be the lowest of Dwarven lives. Born without a cast, you are forced to live within Dust Town, and work for the unruly Carta. While you do less than savory tasks for Beraht, your sister Rica is doing far worse tasks. Rica, however, has found a likely suitor of high nobility. This could save you and your family, as well as brining you and Beraht into the Noble cast. But is the rise to nobility really worth the pain and suffering of your sister, your family, as well as yourself? It is time to begin making the choices that will determine how you are remembered. |
Beginning Skills: Warrior
Beginning Skills: Rogue
Beginning talents: Warrior

Beginning talents: Rogue

Racial Ability:
Unique items in story
Plot Items |
Commons |
Beraht's Hideout |
Lyrium Nugget
Proving Pass
Fight Schedule
Cell Key
Splintered Key |
Evard's Armor
Evard's Boots
Evard's Gloves
Evard's Helmet
Evard's Axe
Evard's Mace
Evard's Shield
Evard's Sword
Aeducan Mace (Complete Origin story) |
Carta Shield
Dwarven Warrior's Belt
Dwarf Common Quests
Beraht's Favor
Proving Loyalties
Noble Dwarf |
Born into the society of Dwarven nobles, son of the great King Aeducan, you have risen in honor with your father and the Assembly. Today you are being honored with a banquet celebrating your new appointment as a Dwarven Commander. In your journey through the Diamond Quarters, the Proving, and the Royal Palace, you learn there is dark treason afoot. Your youngest brother Behlan tells you that your older brother Trian plans to assassinate you. He is the heir to the throne of Orzammar, but you could easily win over the Assembly. You must decide whether or not you believe this tale, and what it is you will do about it. No matter the choice you make, this turn of events will for ever change you and all of Orzammar. |
Beginning Skills: Warrior
Beginning Skills: Rogue
Beginning talents: Warrior

Beginning talents: Rogue

Racial Ability:
Unique items in story
Noble Dagger
Aeducan Family Shield
Superior Dwarven Guard Armor
Fine Dwarven Blade
Dwarf Noble Quests
Noble's Feast
A Noble Expadition