Darkspawn Chronicles |
4-5-2010 |
4-5-2010 |
 PC |
4-5-2010 |
4-5-2010 |
The Archdemon has been defeated. The Grey Wardens were victorious in their battle at Denirim, and successfully ended the blight before it really could even begin. People throughout Ferrelden rejoiced at the promise of a new age of peace. But what would have happened had the Archdemon won? What if the Grey Wardens failed, and were destroyed by the Darkspawn? What then...
In The Darkspawn Chronicles, you get to revisit the final battle as a Hurlock Vanguard. You are set to end the advancements of the Grey Wardens, and save the Archdemon. This was perhaps the most challenging of the DLC that I have played. But it is one of the most fun too.
For those of us with difficulty being the bad guy when we are the good guy, this is just what the Warden ordered!
Playing as a Darkspawn was not only a bit challenging, but it was a very welcome diversion to the other selections of DAO. Throughout the game, you are able to recruit other darkspawn into your party. You can recruit a total of four at a time. As you fight in the battle, you will gain respect from your comrades...kind of like picking the right answers to the conversations with your party members in DAO. As they advance in respect, they will gain the same type of minor, major, and massive abilities. This actually leads to one of the three trophies found for Darkspawn Chronicles. You can also give a variety of gifts to your party as well.
If you find that you do not like your party member, well you can just kill him mindlessly and get another one. I would say this is exactly how the Darkspawn would behave, thus adding more feeling of being inside the other side of the game.
There is no real new additions to the game in terms of items, weapons, armor, or things of the like. This was kind of a let down, but you get over it very quickly. The members of the Wardens party you fell drop enough good stuff, that you will be happy.
You will play across the same areas you do in the actual games final battle. You will first fight in the city gates, the market district, alienage, royal palace, and finally the summit of Fort Drakon. There is more than ample fighting to be had, and small side quests in each area to keep everyone happy. Its only downfall is the lack of showing enemies on the mini map. They show the same as you do, thus it might be a bit difficult to locate them right off.
Other than that minor complaint, (and it is very minor) Darkspawn Chronicles is yet another couple of more than ample fun for the Dragon Age Origins fans. And more so for those of us who are always the good guy!
Storm the Gates
Massacre in the Market
Raze the Alienage
Assault on the Palace
The Battle at Fort Drakon
Origin and Awakening Items