Dragon Age Kingdom |
-----------DLC Origins-----------
------------DLC DA II------------

Alistair |
Fighting Class |  |
Specialization |  |
Alistair is one of the newer Grey Wardens in Ferrelden. Before then he lived in the Chantry and was studying to be a Templar. He has a bit of a sour opinion of Mages, and loves to torment them. Alistair is something of a funny man, finding any reason to crack a joke, or say something off-hand.
Alistair is best suited for close combat, and begins with sword and shield talents. He should either remain on that path, or placed in the Dual Weapon category. He seems to do a lot better within the Sword and Shield. Give him a strong sword, add a shield, and let him go. |
Begining Skills
Talents: Warrior

Talents: Templar

Talents: Sword & Shield
Begining Equipment
Splintmail Boots
Splinmail Gloves
Templar Shield
Wardens Longsword
Worry Token
Specific to Alistair
Worry Token
Personal Quests:
Alistair's Family |

Morrigan |
Fighting Class |  |
Specialization |  |
Morrigan is an Apostate Witch from the Korochi Wilds. First encountered when the Warden recruits are looking for the Ancient Treaties, She is seemingly taken by the Warden, but shows no love for anyone else. Especially when concerning Alistair. Her mother Flemmeth is the legendary witch of un-surpassing power, thus Morrigan comes with a great deal of knowledge and talent.
Morrigan is a very powerful Mage to have in the party. She comes with a wide variety of spells, and can learn almost all of them. It is suggested to place her in the Arcane Warrior class, to benefit from the defenses that are otherwise lacking in the spells. |
Begining Skills
Talents: Mage
Begining Equipment
Morrigan's Robes
Wildstone Clasp
Magic Staff
Specific to Morrigan
Morrigan's Robes
Robes of Possession
Wildstone Clasp
Personal Quests:
Flemmeth's Grimiore
Morrigan's Ritual |

Malbari War Hound |
Fighting Class |  |
Specialization | None |
Mabari Hounds are highly revered. In wars they are fierce creatures, capable of taking down the strongest of men. A Mabari often bonds with a person, thus becoming very loyal to only that person. The Mabari is gotten a few different ways in DAO. If you are a Human Noble, you will acquire him in the Origin storyline. If you play another storyline, you can get a quest in Ostagar to heal the Mabari. It will then join you when you reach the world map. There is now another option to gain the Mabari in the Return to Ostagar DLC. These are rather strong fighters, and are descent front line fighters. They do not have any skills, but in the console versions have the Warrior Talents. Mabari do have a unique set of talents specifically for them. They do not have any equipment or talents when you get them, but the game provides you with stuff very early on. |
Begining Skills
None |
Talents: Hound
Begining Equipment
Specific to Malbari
All Collars
All Kaddis
Personal Quests: None |

Leliana |
Fighting Class |  |
Specialization |  |
Leliana has taken up living in the Chantry of Lothring. She is following the path of the maker, and has had a vision that compels her to come along with the Warden. Though she claims to be a sister of the Chantry, her skills as both a Rogue and a Bard make it seem like she is not telling everything about her past. It would seem there is far more to this beautiful sister than meets the eye.
Leliana is a great Rogue to have in the party, if you are not one. She comes with both two levels of stealing and lock-picking skills. This makes her a must have for any party. She not only is great with a bow, but she can gain the Dual Weapon proficiently as well. If you are not a Rogue, it would be highly suggested that she make a more permanent station in the party. |
Begining Skills
Talents: Bard

Talents: Rogue
Talents: Archery
Begining Equipment
Chantry Robes
Leather Boots
Enchanted Dagger
Seeker Circle
Specific to Leliana
Marjolaine's Recurve
Seeker Circle
Personal Quests:
Leliana's Past |

Sten |
Fighting Class |  |
Specialization | None |
Sten is a Qunari, who was sent to Ferrelden to report on the Darkspawn problem. Ambushed near Lake Calanhad, he was imprisoned for murder. He has been inside a cage in Lothring, waiting execution for a bit over a month. It is the Warden who might just give him a chance at redemption, as well as find out why he committed his crime.
Sten is power, power, power. Give him a 2-handed weapon, and suit him with some damage absorbing armor. As the levels increase, he will easily do over 100 pts damage about every swing. Just keep him in the 2-handed category. He does not go down too easily. |
Begining Skills
Talents: Warrior
Talents: 2-Handed Sword
Begining Equipment
Specific to Sten
Personal Quests:
The Sword of the Beresaad |

Zevran |
Fighting Class |  |
Specialization |  |
Zevran is a member of the Antivan Crows, hired to kill the Grey Warden. With the failure of his task, he has offered to join the Warden, since the Crows will assume he has died in his attempt. Though an assassin by trade, it does not seem as though this is what he truly desires in the world.
Zevran is a pretty strong Rogue, especially when the Assassin talents are in play. He is great with a set of swords over a bow, thus keeping to the Dual Weapon is the better choice for him. Give the second class to Duelist, and you will have a great fighter within your party. |
Begining Skills
Talents: Assassin

Talents: Rogue
Talents: Dual Weapon
Begining Equipment
Leather Armor
Leather Gloves
Leather Boots
Mixed Metal Rounds
Crow Dagger
Antivan Longbow
Specific to Zevran
Mixed Metal Rounds
Personal Quests:
None |

Wynne |
Fighting Class |  |
Specialization |  |
Wynne is a Mage of the Circle, who also fought in the battle of Ostagar. She is now fighting the Abominations that infest the Circle Tower, trying to restore order there. When you venture to the Circle, she will ask the Warden for aid against the threat. It is up to you which path you will take. Restoring the Circle Tower, or allowing the right of Annulment to take place.
Wynne is the second mage to join your party, though unlike Morrigan her spells are more for healing and companion boosts. This does not make her any less potent though. It is completely up to you which spells she should learn, and she is as powerful in all ranges as Morrigan. |
Begining Skills
None |
Talents: Mage
Begining Equipment
Senior Enchanters Robes
Silver Aron
Enchanters Staff
Specific to Wynne
Silver Aron
Personal Quests:
Wynne's Regret |

Oghren |
Fighting Class |  |
Specialization |  |
Oghren is a Dwarven Warrior from Orzammar, who has seen more than his fair share of taverns. Once married to the Paragon Branka, he has sunk to the very bottom after her disappearance. He now rabbles anyone to help find her, and fights whoever might cross him. When the Warden is sent to find the Paragon, Oghren is set to go with the party for his lost love.
Like Sten, Oghren is a powerhouse player. Stick him with a 2-Handed weapon, and let him have at. His Berserker class allows for even more damage to be done. Being a dwarf, he has a natural resilience to most magic and most of the 2-Handed talents, thus making him something of a better choice than Sten...Though Sten is far more sober. |
Begining Skills
Talents: Berserker
Talents: 2-Handed Sword
Begining Equipment
Dwarven Heavy Armor
Dwarven Heavy Gloves
Dwarven Heavy Boots
One for the Ditch
Battle Axe
Specific to Oghren
One for the Ditch
Personal Quests:
Oghren's Old Flame |

Loghain |
Fighting Class |  |
Specialization |  |
Loghain was once a great leader of Ferrelden's armies, and master strategist. He was the key to driving out the Orlesian invasion, and freeing Ferrelden. But it is not known as to why he decided to retreat at Ostagar, place a bounty on the remaining Wardens, as well as many other things of questionable reasoning. When the Landsmeet convenes, the warden will finally get the chance to find some answers. It might not have been done completely as a act of malice or rise in power. Perhaps he thought this was the right path for his beloved country.
Loghain is a character that can be gained during the Landsmeet, if a specific route is taken. (If you choose to accept Loghain in the party, Alistair will leave permanently) He is a tank of a fighter, able to take and deal massive damage. He also comes with the entire Champion set of skills learned, as well as a great amount of shield/sword skills. Give him high hitting weapons, great armor, and let him fight the front lines. |
Begining Skills
Talents: Champion
Talents: Warrior
Talents: Sword and Shield
Loghain's Equipment
River Dane Armor
River Dane Gloves
River Dane Boots
Borders Yet to Be
Personal Quests:
None |