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 Considered one of Nintendo's most important franchises, it is hard to name game series masterpieces without Zelda being in one of the top spots. Legend of Zelda is a fantastic mixture of action, adventure, and puzzle solving. This game made its way to America in 1988, and it was a huge success. Everyone who was anyone at the time played this fantastic game. Not since Mario and Final Fantasy, had a game captured such a broad audience of kids and adults alike.
Zelda is one of the most successful and largest franchises in the video game world. Not only are there 16 main titles and several spin off titles, there is a animated cartoon which debuted in the late 80's, books, music, you name it. The only thing Zelda is missing that Final Fantasy and Mario have is a film. (And some of us are breathing a sigh of relief that there is none)
One consistency of Zelda over any other series, is its constant top ranking games. This is due to the wide appeal to the game. You have RPG elements, puzzles, action, story, and just simple fun all around. It has been cited by many websites as being voted the best series ever. And always, if not the best, lands in the top 3.
Since 1988, there has been nothing but success for Zelda, and people wait literally in line for days to get the next big title for the series. This does not happen too much anymore with other franchises, but Zelda just keeps going.
I mean come on, Robin Williams named his daughter Zelda after Princess Zelda, and she as well as her father appeared in the commercials for the Orcania of Time 3D in 2011.
Pro Wrestler Cody Runnels has stated he plays A Link to the Past annually, and has Tri-Force printed on his wrestling boots. Songs have sampled the score, books have referenced the games over and over. The popularity is unwavering. As we reach close to the 30th anniversary of Zelda (1986), there is no sign of slowing down.
I know this is one of those masterpiece series, that I have loved from the very first title in 1990. I am pleased that I can say finally that my top 3 series franchises has finally been added to Final Fantasy Kingdom. Zelda Kingdom certainly has a place among the other great franchises covered here so far.