Golems of Amgarrak |
8-10-2010 |
8-10-2010 |
 PC |
8-10-2010 |
8-10-2010 |
Deep in the Amgarrak Thaig the dwarves, with the aid of a Tevinter mage Nereda, sought to find a way to re-create Caridan's Golems. They thought if they could discover the secret to the Golem creations, they could surely bring Orzammar back to its former glory, if not reclaim the lost citys of the Deep Roads. Somewhere the research went wrong, and something horrific was created. The mage sought to use a fade Demon in the place of a living being. He trapped it in a flesh Golem, and its head separated from the body. It began running rampant and killing everyone.
To stop it, the mage and the Dwarven Noble used Lyrium wells to trap it within layers of the Fade. The Thaig was then abandoned and, in time, it passed almost completely out of knowledge.
Though mentioned within Paragon Branka's research for the Anvil of the Void, she never went after it. She knew something was not right with what went on there, but her research brought the thaig back into common knowledge. Lord Dace sent his son Brogan on an expedition to Amgarrak to try to reclaim the knowledge there. When they did not return, his brother Jerrik sent for you, the Grey Warden.

Golems of Amgarrak is perhaps the most challenging of all the Dragon Age DLC. Not only is there a sizable amount of puzzle solving, but the fights are indeed brutal. Even on Normal there is a amount of difficult fights to be had. Two spots might find your character being the sole survivor of the battle. And for those of us not used to that, it is a surprise!
You can import a character from either Origins or Awakening, or create a new one. I would suggest one that has gone through both Origins and Awakening. This will provide the ample level and items/accessories you may need.
Though this is a tough nut to crack, and has plenty of action entailed in the game, there are some severely lacking things that make a DA game. One of the biggest one is party banter, while you are exploring. There is actually very little dialogue in this release vs the others. You have two new companions, different from other contents and you really cannot find anything out about them, or the story for that matter. Kind of made me miss Morrigan telling Alistair that even with a dog in the party he is still the stupidest member lol.
On a normal setting, you can actually get through this pretty effortlessly, but any higher, and the stakes spike. I thought, even being a 16 year RPG veteran that I could blow right through it...I was wrong. Nightmare on the final boss is next to impossible to accomplish. This type of challenge is what I love having, and has not been seen really since the mid 90's. The Harvester is simply the toughest of the bosses produced in the entire franchise on Nightmare level.
If you love action and challenge, it is so worth the $5 you are going to drop for it. But if you are privy to the easier fights of the main series and other spin offs, (Not to mention the fun interactions) then you might want to wait on this one till the end. But eventually you will have to get it. It is that good of a DLC.
In Search of Amgarrak
The Runic Golem
Harvest of Amgarrak
Amgarrak's Secrets
Origin and Awakening Items
Reaper's Cudgel: Defeat the Harvester in Hard or Nightmare
The Sash of Forbidden Secrets: Defeat the Harvester (Any difficulty)
High Regard of House Dace: Find all of the Golem Research Notes