Symphony of the Night Optional Boss Galamoth

Somewhere high in the Floating Catacombs lies perhaps the toughest boss in the entire game. This is of course none other than Galamoth. He seems more like a giant Egyptian Diety than anything else, and when I say giant I mean it. Alucard Barely comes up to his knees, and he one mace is quite a bit larger than you. I can assume you went in the first time, and was shortly re-loading your saved game. Don't feel bad, it took me quite some time to get him down. And believe me it was quite by accident the first time. But let us see what you have going on first. Perhaps the biggest reason for your quick demise was being unprepared for the fight. There are several things you will want, before you decide to take on this Giant of myth.
These are what I use for kicking his bandages back to the grave:
Beryl Circlet
Dark Armor
Dark Shield
Twilight Cloak
The Accessories are of your choosing. I would suggest Gauntlets, or Covenent Stones (Dropped by Azghal's). In the second playthrough, I suggest 2 Rings of Varda which are stolen from Paranthropus.
Ok, I know you are wondering where these thigs are, especially the Beryl Circlet. (It is not listed in the Strategy Guide by Brady Games®) Well, let us go through each one.
First the Crissaegrim. This absolutely awesome blade is dropped rarely from the "Schmoo" in the Forbidden Library. It may take some time to actually get it, but once you do, equip it. If you have a turbo controller, or are real fast at button mashing, you will see why this one is awesome. It will keep striking, even while you are walking.

The ellusive Beryl Circlet can be found in the Reverse Entrance. area with the large stone you can break through, break through it, creating the tunnel. Now that that has been done, transform into your bat (You will need the Echo of Bat relic) and fly through the cave hugging the ceiling, using your echo. It should open the secret room to the top right. In here is that must have Beryl Circlet. This will absorb Lightning attacks, and turn it into HP. |

Your Dark armor and shield are actually gained in one area. You need to go to the room in the Death Wing's Lair where you will find a Malachi. This enemy will eventually drop both the armor and the shield for you.
The Twilight Cloak is acquired in the Anti-Chapel. In the room where you encounter Maria, that is full of spikes, you will find your missing cloak. The cloak actually really does not matter, as it gives you no real immunities to anything. The rest of the items are must haves.
Boss Fight:
When you go into the room, you will find Galamoth hunkered down on the floor. It will not take too long for him to rise though. Once he does, he will begin the onslaught of different attacks for you to dodge.
The amount of different attacks are probably what make him so difficult to fight. But if you are wearing everything listed above, you just made the fight so very easy it is sad. First you should decide whether you want to fight him on the ground, or would you prefer one of the two ledges on the right side?
I personally go for the ground, since it is a lot more room to move in, and a lot less of his presence. The catch is that Galamoth can kick you across the room, causing some severe damage if you let him.
Now those attacks. With the kicking attack, there are three other main attacks to watch out for: The first is his massive swinging weapons. They can and will do as much damage as when he kicks you. Try to stay a safe distance from him. This way, when he swings it will pass harmlessly over the top of you.

There is also two lightning attacks he does. The first can be determined by him placing his two weapons above eachother. He will then launch a large vertical line of lighning that would knock you on your butt, if not for the Beryl Circlet. If you remain on the floor though, this attack cannot hit you. The second lightning attack can be determined by him holding his large mace straight out. It will then shower the ground with a massive amount of lighning strikes. Again with the Beryl Circlet, this will just keep healing you for great HP.
The next attack he has is his Dark Ball attack. With this attack, he will send several balls of darkness at you. These can be devistating hits, but the Dark Shield/Armor should give you protection, if not absorbtion of this attack for HP. If you are still leary of this attack hitting you, just turn into Mist, and wait the attack out.
When he is throwing lightning from his mace, it is the best time to dish out some major damage. Run up close enough to get within striking distance, and begin plowing him with the Crissaegim. You should also invite your Sword Familiar (Above level 50 is great) for even more damage. When he retracts the mace, slide back a step or two. He will sometimes try to kick you out from under him. If he does, simply wait for the lighning attacks, and let them heal you. Keep plowing away at him, and sooner than later he will fall to the ground.

Once you have him out of the way, you can enter the top right of the room. In this passage you will find why the most difficult enemy in the game was here, not before Dracula. On a small ledge is your Poison Gas cloud. This relic will allow your mist to damage enemies, while over them.

If you would like to level up really fast now, head over to the clock room, and fight the Guardians there with your cloud. You can easily go from level 50-70 within an hour. Also these guys drop the God's Garb and Greatsword, which are some of the absolute best equipment in the entire game. |