Saving Maria and Annet
As you may or may not know, you are on a rescue mission, as well sa the usual kick Dracula back to the grave. He has kidnapped Richters love Annet, and her younger sister Maria. It is completely up to you to find them, and it is not all that easy to do either. It has a good many steps that you must follow, in order to get to the end of this little side mission.
In stage 3, you will come to an area with pillars every other square in the ground. When you go hopping across these pillars, you will be met with Bone Pillars, as well as Medusa Heads. There is no dying if you fall off, but you will NOT be able to save Maria of Annet!
Here is how I finally got to the other side of this madness: You want the Axe Sub-weapon. This is a must to get the Bone Pillars out of the way. If you do not have one, do not fear. One of the first few candls in this area has one.
Next, in order to really avoid getting knocked off, you either have to be crouching when hit, or be on the left most edge of the pillar. When you are hit from this point, you are knocked to the right side, rather than off. Even with this in mind, and the Axe for assistance, this part can be down right frustrating. Just take it really slow through this section. Everything alse after this is cake in comparison. Once you manage past this section, you will find yourself in a hallway with statues, and candles attached to them. The final statue's candle has the Key sub-weapon. This item you will want to keep until further notice. In other words, you want to save your love and her sister, you cannot have another sub-weapon until a certain time. Take this key, and continue throuh the stage. You will encounter Dyruahan right after getting the key, so you can gain your password for the rest of the area.
In the next area, which looks like a giant mine shaft, you need to continue onwards (remembering not to pick up any sub-weapons along the way), until you get to the water carrages going up and down the shaft. You will also encounter ghosts all over this area. Just either avoid them, or dispose of them. It is your call. When you get about half way up, you will see a door on the right side. Go to it, and use the key (Just like you would any other sub-weapon). In here you will find Maria. She will thank you for rescueing her, and informs you that Annet is still being held prisoner. Your task is not done yet.

Something funny hit me, while I was reading what Maria tells Richter. Tought I would share it with you:
"Richter! Thank you for saving me, but Annet is trapped in another place!"
Am I the only one who thought when I read this:
"Mario! Thank you for saving me, but the princess is in another castle!" =D Anyways, continuing on...
Now that you have rescued Maria, it is time to find your love. Fom Maria's room, you simply need to continue your journey upwards. Once you reach the next room with a door, you will want to enter it. Use the Key again, and go through. This will take you to a new area, as well as allow you to finally, finally get another sub-weapon. This new section is more like a underwater shrine in looks, and is full of Mermen and Water Skulls. But nothing is too overly difficult to manage. The only hinderence is the single Skeledragon, but it can be easily defeated with the Axe you get right before encountering him.
From here, simply make your way down, and then back up. Continue on your path, until you come to a room, where there is water pouring out of a hole in the wall. Wait...pouring out of a hole? But there are no waterfalls that ever come out of a hole in the wall in Castlevania! Well, that would be the clue to get you to investigate it, now wouldn't it? Strike this hole, until the water stops pouring out. You will then see the water level drop, and you are now able to descend the area. In the next room, you will find your lost love Maria, and the ending of the game will be the best ending.

Now that you have saved both ladies, you can continue along your journey to Dracula. The only difference really is that you will fight Death at the Clock Tower, rather than the Skull Sorceress. Also, you will get the best ending for the game.Not too bad...really. But you couldn't let them just die, could you??