9-18-2007 |
9-18-2007 |
Cellphone |
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Late in the 1600's evil has begun to stir again. A group known as The Order is trying to resurrect Count Dracula. Their leader, one Rohan Krause will stop at nothing to revive the Count. Desmond Belmont, a member of the famed vampire hunting Belmont clan, has set out to stop The Order from fulfilling their goal of bringing back Lord Dracula. Along with his sisters Zoe and Delores, he ventures out into the vast unknown to stop evil from being brought back once more.
Released in 2007, Order of Shadows has similar features to that of the famous Symphony of the Night and other games in the series. basically it is a platform game with RPG characteristics, like the HP, MP and Exp.
The huge standouts of this title are that it was the first to be released strictly on mobile devices, as well as being the only title so far to not be released in Japan.
Other Castlevania titles, such as Dracula's Curse and Dawn of Sorrow were ported to cell phones from their original form however. It is a much shorter game, with only 5 levels. This was kind of dissapointing for most any Castlevania fan. There has not ever been such a short game before this one. Order of Shadows does not take long to go through, maybe a couple of hours at best. Taht being said, it has some replay value in the form of a "Hard Mode". This mode also features unlimited items. Being released only for cell phones, and also since its more of a side story to the Castlevania timeline, Order of Shadows was not as well known as many of the other games in the series. Overall Castlevania: Order of Shadows is challenging enough that the average Castlevania fan should enjoy this adventure.
The music of Order of Shadows certainly is a highlight. It does the game wonderfully, and even sounds great on most cell devices I have played it one. You also ahve the option of changing out songs for some from the original Castlevania. This added a nice linking charm to the rest of the series.
If you are seeking out a Ultimate cell phone challenge, this might not be the right one. For newcomers to the series, Order of Shadows certainly would be a good starting point to get into the series. If you find yourself liking the game, then it is a guarantee that you will like the series as a whole.