When the defeat of Dracula's second form happens, you will then be treated to several cutscenes. They depict a conversation between the dark lord and Richter. Then he vanishes in a ball of flame, and spirits float from the castle. Richter is then seen watching the castle as the sun rises. Interestingly enough, the castle does not crumble when Richter looks on....a hint of what is to come?
100% Completion
If you get 100% completion in the game, the ending will show each of the villagers you have saved. Not only this, but it will show Richter riding across the screen in a coach. Will assume everyone is in the coach with him.
Less than 100% Completion
If you fail to gain the 100% completion, there are no images of the villagers. Also Richter will ride across the screen on a horse, rather than the coach. This would undoubtably be because there was no one else with him when Dracula fell. Makes you kind of feel bad for the ones who were not saved.
Maria Ending
 When the defeat of Dracula's second form happens, you will then be treated to several cutscenes. They depict a conversation between the dark lord and Maria. Then he vanishes in a ball of flame, and spirits float from the castle as Maria and her friends flee. They are then seen watching the castle crumble in the dawn of the new day.
This is, of course, the ending you get if you defeat the count with Maria. As the credits roll, she is shown thinking of her spirit friends, while walking across the screen. This is by no means a bad ending. It is also the same whether or not the others were saved.
