When you wish upon a star...The story of Pinocchio was brought to the silver screen back in the Golden Age of Disney animation. Released in 1940, it was considered even then to be a masterpiece of animation. The characters were some of the richest ever, and the villains were even more frightening than that of the Wicked Queen from Snow White.
The music from the film garnered several awards including Best Song for When You Wish Upon A Star. In its subsequent releases, its popularity has only grown. In the 80's, it was one of the first full length features to be released to VHS. In 1991 it was released on VHS a second time, and with the video game market, it was only a matter of time before it found its way there.
Pinocchio was released on the SNES by Disney's newly formed Interactive division. It follows very much the adventures of Pinocchio through the film, with some new added places. But considering the difficulty level of the Lion King and Aladdin, you would think there would be more challenge brought to the game. Sadly though, I finished the game inside of an hour. A replay through took a bit longer, but not by very much.
Graphically it is something to behold for the SNES. Disney did well to put all the graphics they could into the game. Scenes are sharp and colorful, and sections such as the Monstro chase are just brilliant for the time.
The music, like most Disney titles takes from the original movie soundtrack. It is orchestrated very well, and fits into the game. The sound quality is top notch, and better than the previous titles.
This is a wonderful game in terms of visual presentation. It truly was a hint as to what was coming from Disney in terms of gaming. But as far as game play goes, it certainly should be left for the very young audiences. There is little to no challenge in this game.