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Disney's gargoyles GoliathOne thousand years ago, superstition and the sword ruled.
It was a time of darkness. It was a world of fear. It was the age of Gargoyles.
Stone by day, warriors by night, we were betrayed by the humans we had sworn to protect,
frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years.
Now, here in Manhattan, the spell is broken, and we live again!
We are defenders of the night! We are

gargoyles screenshotMost people fondly remember the TV series of those winged defenders of the night. It is Harolded as Disney's most popular cartoon series of all. The story of the clan of gargoyles being frozen in stone, brought to Manhattan and reawakened was fantastic. Not only was it popular, but it dealt with issues of injustice, racism, illiteracy, etc. Truly the last of the cartoons that were entertaining and educational at the same time.
With its vast popularity, it was no real shock to learn of the Genesis system getting a game of these mighty heroes. But rather than a great experience with the gargoyles like in the show, we got only Goliath. The story itself was not even accurate to the storyline of the show. Our only other gargoyle was Demona, but she does not emerge until the very end. Fans were shocked and very upset by this, and the game...simply a means of making money off the popularity of the show.
gargoyles screenshot That being said, if you take out the fact that it is supposed to be based on one of the most popular TV series of all time, it really is a pretty decent game. You play as Goliath, leader of a clan of gargoyles. The vikings sack their castle and destroy most of the clan, using the legendary Eye of Odin. This of course is the first of the deviants from the story of the show. In 995 AD there was only the mention of the Eye of Odin by the Arch Mage in "Vows" for his ultimate power. It actually made its first appearance in "The Edge", when Zanatos donated the eye to the museum and then stole it back. The Eye also is not in itself evil. It grants its wearer insight into themselves. But I digress.
Graphically it is a damn neat game. Everything is well colored for a Genesis game. The enemies and characters are fluid and are detailed well. Backgrounds of the city areas kind of lack in detail, but it has more of a comic book look, which I thought was very fitting to those areas. The characters look very similar to their series counterparts and move accordingly. Well, with the exception of Zanatos' Robot. But it does look good regardless.
Though not a fantastic scoring, it does have moments of goodness. The remixing of the background music from the show gave itself very well. I was actually impressed with the scoring of the game. Some of the other scores are not so great, but they are good enough I guess.
When I got this, my disappointment was in fact the story, lack there of, or continuity of the TV series. Otherwise it is a good game on its own. Not the best Disney allowed to be done off one of their shows/films, but not every game can be the Lion King or Aladdin.