Power Orb These Purple Orbs are located in chests throughout the game. Each Orb you collect will increase the power of Ariel's attack. If you die, you have to collect them again.
Range Orb These Green Orbs are located in chests throughout the game. Each Orb you collect will increase the range Ariel's attack will fire. If you die, you have to collect them again.
1-Up This statuette of Ariel will grant you an extra life. Be on the look out for them anywhere.
Small Heart This heart will refill one of Ariels hearts.
Large Heart This heart will refill two of Ariels hearts.
Pipe These little pipes can be found in crannies, as well as the sandy bottom. They are worth 500 points.
Fork These little forks can be found in crannies, as well as the sandy bottom. They are worth 800 points.
Barrel Ariel can use her second level bubbles to knock these into treasure chests, as well as defeating enemies.
Shell These glittering beauties can be used as defense from enemies in two ways. The first would be to throw it at an enemy, and the second is to run into an enemy holding it. They can also be used to open some chests.