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little mermaid logo

little mermaid enemy armored CrabArmored Crab
These guys have donned helmets for defense. You need to use a trapped enemy to knock the helmet off, before you can trap this guy.

little mermaid enemy mother fishMother Fish
This rather large fish swims around, while spitting mini fish out of her mouth. She can get rather difficult to combat, when there is a lot of little fish around as well. It is wise to avoid this girl, as well as her children.

little mermaid enemy crabCrab
This little guy is very easy to defeat. Just hit him once, and he is trapped for the using.

little mermaid enemy fishFish (Variety)
These guys come in a wide variety, and a wide range of attacking. The dark reddish one even changes his course to try to catch Ariel. The light blue one seems to only be found during boss battles. Otherwise, each can be captured with a single hit from the bubbles.

little mermaid enemy ghost fishGhost Fish
This guy is roaming the sunken ship, using a sheet to scare Ariel off. You must hit him with a trapped enemy to knock his sheet off. Only then can you trap him.

little mermaid enemy ice fishIce Fish
Trapped in ice, these guys wait for Ariel to draw near. When she does, they thaw and give chase. They cannot be trapped while in ice, but can be defeated in ice.

little mermaid enemy dolphinDolphin
These big guys hold strong at the surface of the water. If Ariel draws to close to them, they will begin shooting spouts of water, which can drain Ariel faster than most other attacks.

little mermaid enemy octopusOctopus
These guys patrol a set area, shooting ink balls. Ariel must either have the strongest bubble power to trap them, or try to just simply avoid them. Watch the ink balls, as they can also damage you.

little mermaid enemy sand raySand Ray
These menaces hide in the sand, with only their eyes visible. When Ariel gets too close they jump up and shoot across the screen. They cannot be trapped, but can be killed with other trapped enemies.

little mermaid enemy sea horseSea Horse
These guys sit in wait of Ariel. When she comes close, they jump up and dart across the screen. They are easy to avoid and capture.

little mermaid enemy shrimpShrimp
A more difficult enemy, this guy has a very erratic movement. This can make him very difficult to hit with your bubbles. Best to just avoid them.

little mermaid enemy sleeping fishSleeping Fish
These guys sleep on the ocean floor, waiting for Ariel. When she comes around, they shoot little fish out of their mouths. They can be trapped with stronger bubble attacks. Otherwise just swim past them.

little mermaid enemy starfishStarfish
These guys shoot straight out of the ocean floor, then fall in a spread out pattern. They cannot be trapped, but hitting them will stun them. This will allow you to get by unharmed.

little mermaid enemy urchinUrchin
These spiny guys drop slowly through the screen. These guys cannot be captured, due to the spikes destroying the bubbles. But the barrels, shells, and rocks will end their lives. If there are none of these handy, just avoid them.

little mermaid enemy sharkShark
This guy will start at the top right corner of the screen. While he is sitting there, three green fish will come across the screen. Trap as many as you can, then throw them at the shark. After a few seconds, he will swim across the screen, and appear somewhere else. He can go to the top, middle, or bottom of the left and right sides. Just continue throwing the fish at him, and he will drop

Hits required: 4

little mermaid enemy flotsam & jetsamFlotsam & Jetsam
This dangerous duo has multiple holes spread through out the room where they can pop out of to try and hit Ariel. If Ariel is lined up with them, they will shoot out of the hole across the screen. All you need to do is trap the crabs and throw them at the two, and they will fall in no time.

Hits required: 3 each

little mermaid enemy walrusWalrus
This guy is probably one of the easiest bosses to beat. He will come in from either the left or right, and drop Ice Fish or Shells in the water. Simply avoid the fish, and throw the shells back at Walrus.

Hits required: 4

little mermaid enemy captain seahorseCaptain Seahorse
This guy can be difficult if you are not careful. From his cannons, he will shoot a mixture of Fish, and Urchins. You will need to trap the fish and throw them at the good captain, while trying to avoid the Urchins. Just take your time, and try not to rush the fight.

Hits required: 5

little mermaid enemy UrsulaUrsula 1st round
This first round of fighting is pretty cut and dry. She will send fish at you, along with other things. You need to trap the fish, and throw them at her head. You will know you hit her, because her head will flash. Keep up with what she throws, and you will get through it. But this is not the end...

Hits required: 6

little mermaid enemy Ursula 2
Ursula Final
Ursula this time will get your attention. The fight is pretty much the same as the last one. She will throw three fish at a time towards you, and you need to trap and throw them at her head. There is a bit of a catch...she can shift the current of the water. This will make it real easy to go one way, but difficult to got the other. This is true for the enemies coming at you. If they are swimming with the current, they will get to you twice as fast. Just be patient, and watch out for the current shifts, and you should do just fine.

Hits required: 7