Kingdom Hearts Kingdom |
Disney Characters
King Mickey |
First Appearance |
Steamboat Willie, 1928 |
King Mickey has, for some unknown reason, left Disney Castle. His only clue to his friends is a letter he left with his trusty pal Pluto. It is not known what is going on, or why he has left, but Queen Minni is fearful for his safety. She sends Donald and Goofy out to find the wielder of the Keyblade and find the king. |
Queen Minni |
First Appearance |
Steamboat Willie, 1928 |
The disappearance of King Mickey has the queen deeply worried. Minni has been by Mickey's side from the very beginning of time. She sends her most trusted comrads to find King Mickey, while she uses the resources of Disney Castle. |
Daisy Duck |
First Appearance |
Don Donald, 1937 |
Daisy is a loyal assistant to the queen, while King Mickey is away. She helps keep everything running smoothly as possible, including Donalds temper. She and Donald are quite the perfect couple. While Donald is overly hot-headed, Daisy is calm and level about everything. This is how she can keep her love in line at all times. |
Chip & Dale |
First Appearance |
Private Pluto, 1943 |
Chip and his sidekick Dale are flight engineers of his majesty's Gummi Ships. They also get all the latest going ons in the worlds and can easily tell you what has happened, since your last trip on the ship. They are the foremost authority on Gummi Ships and travel, and their wisdom should not be doubted. |
Jiminy Cricket |
First Appearance |
Pinocchio, 1940 |
Ever the authority of right and wrong, Jiminy was the mentor of Pinocchio, when he was making the journey to becoming a real boy. He is now sent by Queen Minni to assist Donald and Goofy in locating the king. Jiminy keeps track of everything that happens in his journal, people that the company meets, as well as the places they visit. This way the heroes have something to look at for guidance. |
Pluto |
First Appearance |
The Chain Gang, 1930 |
Faithful dog of the king, Pluto is more than just the palace pet. He sets out with Donald and Goofy to assist in locating the king. His sharp sense of smell will assist more than once in the quest, before it is drawn to a close. |
Broom |
First Appearance |
Fantasia, 1940 |
These are the ever vigil cleaners of Disney Castle. They work silently throughout the day, making sure everything is just right. Brought to life by King Mickey, under the apprentice of Yen Sid. The first time they were brought to life was something of a disaster. Now that the King has had more practice, he was met with success. |
Huey, Dewey, Louie |
First Appearance |
Donald's Nephews, 1938 |
The three mischievious nephews of Donald Duck, these guys can be a hand full. It is quite surprising to see them able to keep a shop running at all. Heuy (red) is the self appointed leader of the trio, while Dewey (blue) seems the cheerful easy-going duck. Loui (green) is always looking into the details, making sure everything is done just right. Perhaps the combination of the three is how they have managed to remain open. |
Pongo & Perdita |
First Appearance |
101 Dalmations, 1961 |
Pongo and Perdita are the loving parents of not 15, but 99 dalmation puppies. when their world was destroyed, they were scattered across the worlds. Pongo and Perdi found themselves in Traverse Town, with not a single clue as to how to reunite with their pups. It was when Sora and company found their way into their home that they found the answer to getting their family back. If Sora finds any of their puppies, they can return to traverse town. |
white Rabbit |
First Appearance |
Alice in Wonderland, 1951 |
Always in a hurry, the white rabbit is late for a very important date. Like Alice before, Sora, Donald, and Goofy decide to follow. The White rabbit is a loyal servant of the Queen of Hearts, and fears her uncontrolled wrath. He mostly ignores newcomers to this world, but he is the way to finding the heart of Wonderland. |
Doorknob |
First Appearance |
Alice in Wonderland, 1951 |
The talking Doorknob is the guardian to the realm of Wonderland. He has vast knowledge of how to grow and shrink to get around this magical world, if only he can stay awake to do so. It should be noted that the Doorknob is the only Disney character to be added to Alice in wonderland. He is not found in the classic novel by Lewis Carroll. |
Queen of Hearts |
First Appearance |
Alice in Wonderland, 1951 |
This selfish, short-tempered woman is the queen of Wonderland. She has very little patience, and loves to decaptitate anyone on a whim. She is first seen trying and convicting, or was it just convicting, Alice for the strange happenings in her Kingdom. She then sets Sora and company to find evidence of Alice's innocence. |
Card Soldiers |
First Appearance |
Alice in Wonderland, 1951 |
These are the royal guards of Wonderland. Ever fearful of having their heads chopped off by the Queen of Hearts, they are quick to do her bidding. Though the amount of troops might sem overwhelming at first, a good gust of wind is enough to send them flying. They are just cards after all. |
Cheshire Cat |
First Appearance |
Alice in Wonderland, 1951 |
So which way should you go? That depends on where you want to get to. The Cheshire Cat appears and disappears at will, and talks in nothing but riddles. Though he might seem a bit...well...insane, there is truth in the riddles he speaks. He might be the only true ally Sora has in Wonderland, or eh could be an enemy...it is anyone's guess. |
Hercules |
First Appearance |
Hercules, 1997 |
The legendary son of Zues, Hercules is a powerful god like mortal. He is forever testing people to see if they are worthy of being called heroes. He and his trainer Phil come across Sora and Company. After seeing what they are capable of, they decide to allow them to participate in the Olympic Coliseum tournaments. |
Philoctetes |
First Appearance |
Hercules, 1997 |
Just call me Phil. He is Herc's mentor and trainer. He might seem a bit rough around the edges, but he is a truely great sator. Any time Sora wishes to take a challenge at teh coliseum, Phil is the guy to go to. |
Hades |
First Appearance |
Hercules, 1997 |
The names Hades, lord of the dead, hi how ya doin? Hades is the ruler of the underworld, and wants nothing more than to see not only Hercules, but Sora find their way to his realm. One of Maleficent's top servants, he will do everything he can to stop Sora. Though in the service of Maleficent, he does see the Heartless as a force that he could use to take over for his own selfish desires. |
Cerberus |
First Appearance |
Hercules, 1997 |
Cerberus is the guardian to the gates of the underworld, and hades loyal beast. Hades uses his beast to try and put an end to Hercules, but Sora manages to triumph over the three-headed hound. Afterwards Cerberus is captured and used in the tournaments. |
Sabor |
First Appearance |
Tarzan, 1999 |
sabor is the ruthless hunter of the Deep Jungle. He killed Tarzan's father and mother, when Tarzan was still an infint. He now stalks the mighty hunter throughout the jungle, hoping to finish what he started. Sora, Donald, and Goofy encounter this beast a number of times, before his killings are ended for good. |
Clayton |
First Appearance |
Tarzan, 1999 |
Clayton is janes guide through the Deep Jungle. His experience in hunting made him the choice to have. But there is something not quite right with Clayton. He wants Tarzan to show them the way to the gorilla's. Though Tarzan trusts jane, he is very leary of Clayton. |
Jane Porter |
First Appearance |
Tarzan, 1999 |
Jane is a naturalist and researcher who has come to the Deep jungle to study gorillas in their natural habitat. She eventually meets Tarzan, and the two bond right away. She teaches him english, and some history. She is ever wanting to see the gorillas, but Tarzan is worried about her guide Clayton. |
Turk |
First Appearance |
Tarzan, 1999 |
The fun has arrived! tank you very much. Turk is Tarzan's best friend. She and he have been friends for most of their lives. Whatever tarzan is doing, she wants to be a part of it. she has more curiousity about humans than not. But that may change when she runs into Clayton and his gun. |
Kerchak |
First Appearance |
Tarzan, 1999 |
Kerchak is the leader of the gorillas. He deeply protested Kala bringing Tarzan into the the herd, but allowed him to remain. Though he has grown to trust tarzan, he fears the consiquences that may occur from his contact with Jane and Clayton. |
Kala |
First Appearance |
Tarzan, 1999 |
Kala found Tarzan as an infint, and adopted him as her son to fill the emptiness of her own lost child. As Tarzan grew, she helped him fit into the clan, and was there to comfort him when he was teased and scoffed. Though Kala shares the same fears as Kerchak about the other humans, she knows the importance of Tarzan meeting more of his own kind. |
Fairy Godmother |
First Appearance |
Cinderella, 1950 |
A gentle, loving soul, similar to your own grandmother. The Fairy Godmother has taken resident in the Magician's Study in Traverse Town. Her knowledge of summons is unmatched, and she can aid Sora and company in the art of summoning. Whenever a new gem is found, take it to her and she will make a summon for you. |
Merlin |
First Appearance |
Sword in the Stone, 1963 |
Once the great and wise wizard of King Aurthor himslef, Merlin is sent to Traverse Town at the behest of King Mickey to aid Sora and his friends. He is well versed in the art of magic and spells. He even rewards you for your knowledge of spells and what you ahve learned. He will remain in Traverse Town, until the heroes have completed their quest to stop the Heartless. |
Simba |
First Appearance |
Lion King, 1994 |
Simba was once the ruler of Pride Rock. when the Heartless invaded, he and all of the others were taken into the darkness. For some reason Simba would not be consumed. He then turned into a summon, to aid anyone who was worthy of his assistance. |
Pinocchio |
First Appearance |
Pinocchio, 1940 |
Pinocchio is the little wooden puppet who wanted to become a real boy. He was separated from his father Gepetto, when their world was destroyed. Though he tries to do right, so he can become a real boy, sometimes he lies to get out of a bind. When he does, his nose shows his misdeed. |

Maleficent/Dragon |
First Appearance |
Sleeping Beauty, 1959 |
If there was a more frightening villain in Disney's vast cannon of characters, Maleficent is truly the top. Her powers are unmatched, and her poise and calmness makes her all the more feared. She has taken the most ruthless villains in all the worlds, and is using them to unleash the Heartless. Maleficant has already seen the destruction of many different worlds, and both her and her conspiritors must be stopped. Though many have tried, they have all been met with all the powers of hell.
Her dragon form is almost as terrifying as facing her in her normal form. The shear power of this beast is enough to render a army defeated. It will be a near impossible feat to vanquish this awesome foe. But in order to stop the Heartless from taking everything over Sora and his companions must do so. |
Jafar |
First Appearance |
Aladdin, 1992 |
Jafar is the evil Visor, who betrayed the Sultan and took Agrabah by force. He joined with Maleficent in her attempt to take the worlds over with the Heartless, and has kidnapped Princess Jasmine. with Jasmine being one of the Princess of Heart, they are that much closer to being able to open Kingdom Hearts. |
Abu |
First Appearance |
Aladdin, 1992 |
Aladdin's faithful sidekick, Abu goes everywhere Aladdin goes. Because of his size and speed, Abu is a great assistance when there are tight spots to get through. However, his weakness for shiney jewels sometimes gets him and Aladdin in hot water. |
Iago |
First Appearance |
Aladdin, 1992 |
Iago is Jafar's evil cohort and spy. This parrot has ways of finding information, or locating people Jafar wants found. His evil treachery is only surpassed by that of Jafar. |
Carpet |
First Appearance |
Aladdin, 1992 |
Carpet was trapped inside Aladdin's room, when the Heartless invaded. Carpet has tremendous speed and can get the party out of imminent danger, if it should arise. |
Monstro |
First Appearance |
Pinocchio, 1940 |
Monstro is a whale of a whale. His enormous size makes him a world of his own. Somehow, he swallowed Gepetto, when their world was destroyed. Now he has run into Sora and company. Once inside, Pinocchio can reunite with his father, while Sora, Donald, and Goofy try to figure a way out of this monster of the deep universe. |
Gepetto |
First Appearance |
Pinocchio, 1940 |
Gepetto went searching for his lost boy Pinocchio, when their world was destroyed by the Heartless. He was swallowed by Monstro and stranded. Though things seemed grim, he never gave up his search for his little wooden boy. |
Dumbo |
First Appearance |
Dumbo, 1941 |
Dumbo is the little elephant with the big ears. He has learned from his friends how to fly through the air. He was separated from his home, durring the Heartless invasion, but like some others, he was unable to be consumed by darkness. He then turned into a summon, so he could help rid the universe of the Heartless and their evil. |
King Triton |
First Appearance |
Little Mermaid, 1989 |
The ruler of the seven oceans and the city of Atlantica, Triton is both wise and caring. He loves his daughter Ariel very much, but his overprotective nature in forbidding contact with Sora and the othrs has perhaps pushed her further away. His only wish is to see that she is safe from the evil that lurks in the kingdom. |
Flounder |
First Appearance |
Little Mermaid, 1989 |
Flounder is Ariel's best friend in the entire ocean, and he cares about her very much. He may not be the bravest of fish out there, he will stay by Ariel's side, no matter what kind of trouble they find themselves in. |
Sebastian |
First Appearance |
Little Mermaid, 1989 |
Sebastian is the concerto master of all Atlantica. His musical geneous is unmatched in all of the oceans. When he is not scripting great overtures, he serves as the advisor of King Triton. Often he is charged with keeping his daughter Ariel from getting into trouble. Though he is willing to carry out the kings orders, his love for Ariel sometimes wins him over to her side of things. |
Flotsam & Jetsam |
First Appearance |
Little Mermaid, 1989 |
These giant moray Eels are the servants of Ursula the sea witch. They use their smooth-talking powers to seduce unsuspecting merfolk into seeking the sea witches power to help them in their plights. After they get what they want, Ursula turns them into ugly creatures, and holds them captive. These eels love to double team their unsuspecting prey, making it harder to resist the charm. |
Ursula |
First Appearance |
Little Mermaid, 1989 |
Ursula once served in King Triton's court. She was bannished for her evil ways, and now seeks revenge. Maleficent's offer to join seems the way for this witch to get her exacting revenge on the kingdom of Atlantica. As for Triton and his mighty trident, Ursula has set her sights on his youngest daughter for the leverage she needs to become the ruler of the oceans. |
Sally |
First Appearance |
Nightmare before Christmas, 1993 |
The bright young creation of Dr. Finklestien acts as a assistant to the mad scientist. She is a caring inividual, who seeks to stear the citizens of Halloween Town in the right direction...especially Jack. |
Dr. Finkelstien |
First Appearance |
Nightmare Before Christmas, 1993 |
The mad scientist of Halloween Town, Finkelstien has been experimenting on the Heartless with jack, to see if there is a way to control them. These string of experiments could be more than benificial to Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their journey of battling the Heartless. |
Mayor Maynot |
First Appearance |
Nightmare Before Christmas, 1993 |
The two-faced political Mayor of Halloween Town. He is constantly changing his face, depending on his mood and level of fear. The Mayor depends greatly on Jack to make Halloween tremendously successful every year. |
Zero |
First Appearance |
Nightmare Before Christmas, 1993 |
Jack's ever faithful dog, Zero loves to play with him. He is a bit shy around strangers, and often disappears, his devotion to his master is stronger than anything. |
Oogy Boogy |
First Appearance |
Nighmare before Christmas, 1993 |
This evil concoction of bugs wants to overthrow Jack as the Pumpkin King of Halloween town. He believes the heart they are working on to control Heartless is the answer. He soon realizes that the Heartless are not so easily controlled. |
Lock, Shock, Barrel |
First Appearance |
Nightmare Before Christmas, 1993 |
These three mischievious children of Halloween Town help Oogy Boogy, though they really despise him. In their opinion though, helping Oogy is more interesting than sitting around doing nothing. |
Captain Hook |
First Appearance |
Peter Pan, 1953 |
This villainous pirate has held a grudge against Peter Pan, ever since he fed Hooks hand to a crocodile. Ever since that time, he has vowed to find the boy who never grows up, no matter where he hides. |
Mr. Smee |
First Appearance |
Peter Pan, 1953 |
Mr. Smee is first mate and Hooks loyal servant. He serves Hook loyaly and dutifully, though he is a bit Dim-witted and klutzy. He still manages to accomplish his tasks, and keeps the others from growing too rebellious with the good captain. |
Wendy Darling |
First Appearance |
Peter Pan, 1953 |
Wendy is, of course, the foremost authority of Pater Pan and all his adventures. She was taken by Peter to Neverland, and has become soemthing of a mother to the Lost Boys. However Wendy has become a pawn used by Hook to ensnare Peter in his trap. |
First Appearance |
Peter Pan, 1953 |
A beautiful fairy from Neverland, Tinkerbell is truly in love with Peter. She wants him to stop thinking about Wendy, and return things to the way they were before she arrived. Though she can be very stubborn, and perhaps a bit too jealous, Tinkerbell knows Peter is doing the right thing. She will help him to the very end. |
Crocodile |
First Appearance |
Peter Pan, 1953 |
This is the lumbering beast that ate Captain Hooks hand. He liked the taste of him so much, that the croc follows Hooks ship wherever it goes. You can always tell when he is approaching by the tick-tock, tick-tock. |
Winnie the Pooh |
First Appearance |
Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, 1966 |
Pooh Bear is a bear of very little brain. He loves honey immensly, and will go to any length to get it. He never forgets his friends in the 100 Acre Wood, nor how important they are to him. |
Piglet |
First Appearance |
Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, 1968 |
Piglet is one of Pooh's very close friends. He is small in stature and gets startled and frightened very easily. Though he is extremely timid, Piglet is truly one little guy with an enormous heart. |
Tigger |
First Appearance |
Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, 1968 |
Tigger is a wonderful friend. His favorite passtime of all is to "bounce" his friends. Always smiling and laughing, Tigger shows a very happy-go-lucky exterior. Benieth that is a very gentle, loving heart. |
Owl |
First Appearance |
Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, 1966 |
The wisest resident of 100 Acre Wood, owl has a answer, and a story for every situation that arises. Not always is he right though. He loves to talk, but more often than not he bores his captives to sleep with his stories. |
Eeyore |
First Appearance |
winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, 1966 |
The ever gloomy old Eeyore lives in a tent of twigs by the river. His tail, which is held on by a nail, has a habbit of always falling off. He is first bounced by Tigger into the river, thus making for Tigger's ban on bouncing. |
Rabbit |
First Appearance |
Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, 1966 |
Rabbit is the hard worker of the 100 Acre Wood. His pride and joy is his garden, which he keeps tended. Tigger's constant bouncing tends to make Rabbit nervous. Though he keeps to himself, he does lend a hand whenever needed. |
Roo |
First Appearance |
Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree, 1966 |
Little Roo has Tigger's nack for bouncing, and hopes one day to be able to bounce as high as his idol. Roo is very energetic and fearless, but he does grow uneasy when his buddy is not around. |
Mushu |
First Appearance |
Mulan, 1998 |
A demoted guardian of the Fa family, Mushu helped Mulan defeat the Huns, and bring honor to her family. He was summoned to try and defend the Fa's from the invading Heartless, but was turned into a summon Gem. He was brought to Maleficent when the Heartless returned, where she kept him as a prize. |
Chernabog |
First Appearance |
Fantasia, 1941 |
Chernabog is the mythical demon of Bald Mountain. While the world is asleep, he summons his minoins of demons and undead, and they go into evil dances of the night. when it came time for Ansem to take Kingdom Hearts, he chose Chernabog to be the guardian of the final realm. He knew there was no match to be found for this demons immense powers. |