When you return to traverse Town, after sealing the Deep Jungle Keyhole, pay a visit to Cid. He will have an errand for you to do, while he works on your Gummi Ship. He will then hand you a book. Take this book to Merlin in the Mystical House, past the door with the flame on it, in the Third District. (You have to cast Fire on it to make it open). Merlin will then place the book on the table for you to examine anytime you wish. well, there is not time like the present, so go examine the book. The book is actually the story of a bear with little brain, named Winnie the Pooh. You will be transported to the cover of the book, when you examine it. wander to the right of where you appear, until you come to a place you can read. Once you do, you will discover a empty meadow. Once you take a look at what is there, you will begin the 100 Acre Wood.
You can explore Pooh Bear's world to the extent of the Torn Pages you have found. These pages are found in the various worlds of the main game. If you ever wish to leave the 100 Acre Wood, simply find the compass in the top right side of the book. Then choose the option "Let's Go". |
Meeting Winnie the Pooh
In the meadow, if you head to the end of the log, you will find a green chest containing a Mythril Shard. Now walk towards Pooh, and talk to him. He tells you that he may vanish as all of his friends seem to have done before him. He will then get up and walk away. Go after him to leave the meadow. Follow Winnie the Pooh to exit the meadow. A save point has now appeared to the north of where you are. Use it between your treks through the 100 Acre Wood. There are a lot of mini-games, and you will want to be able to begin again if you do something wrong. Head on over to Pooh's house, which has now become visible. Walk up and speak to Pooh. Now for a bit of exploring. Inside Pooh's house, you can open the window, and examine the clock for fun. There is also an Elixir in the cabinet. If you pop up on the roof and hit the chiminy, this will drop a Mega-Ether. Head back into the house and claim it. Now leave the house, and speak with Owl. He will explain to you that you can only open more of the 100 Acre Wood by finding the missing Torn Pages of the book. Each new page will open the next section of 100 Acre Wood, regardless of the order you find them in. Now it is up to you to find them. These missig pages are located in the following places:
Find 51 Dalmations
Agrabah: Cave of Wonders, Dark Chamber
Monstro: Chamber #6
Atlantica: Ariel's Grotto
Halloween Town: Research lab
*NOTE*: You must complete 100 Acre Wood, and seal the keyhole to open the secret movie at the end of the credits.