Final Fantasy X Transportation
![final fantasy x transportation airship celsius](10/airship.gif) |
Airship Fahrenheit The Fahrenheit is the airship the Al Bhed's uncovered from under the sea. You do not get to ride in it until later in the game, and it does not become a regular mode of transportation until almost the end of the game.
From the Fahrenheit, you can go to any point in Spira that you have been, including some places you cannot get to by foot. You can choose your destination from a list, or input commands to reach secret areas. You can save, and rest, even fight some battles off the outer deck. |
![final fantasy x-2 transportation chocobo](10/chocobo.png) |
Chocobo's Chocobo's are a less prominent mode of transportation in Final fantasy X. You can only ride these lovable birds in the Mi'ihen Highroad. You can also train them in the Calm Lands, as well as ride them across it. But these are the only locations you can ride them. Sorry to those who wanted to ride these birds all over Spira. |