7-3-2012 |
2-16-2012 |
7-6-2012 |
7-6-2012 |
What happens when you take some of the most legendary music from the gaming industry, create fun rhythm gameplay, and throw stylized versions of some of the most popular Final Fantasy characters ever? A suprisingly fantastic game, and one of the best 3DS releases to date. What appeared as yet another Square-Enix cash rape, turned into one of the best portable games they have ever created. Thearthythm features characters and music up through the Final Fantasy 13 with hours and hours of gameplay to keep you busy.

And even the DLC for Theatrhythm is actually worth it. There is a huge selection of songs to download at only $0.99. With the DLC being so cheap, it made it a more than welcome addition. There are up to 60 new songs for download, that you can gain at any time. This will greatly extend the main game as a whole, providing even more game time and enjoyability. And unlike some of the others, (All the Bravest) which seems to require the extra content at outrageous pricing, Theatrhythm is a packed game without it. The DLC serves its purpose in adding extra stuff to the game on a "If you want basis." But let me get to the rest of the review.
Theatrhythm brought into the mix the Chibi fashion of graphics, which are remarkably great, and add to the game. Each character, setting, animation, and enemy are done in great detail. Being one who was initially put off by these graphics, I am finding it harder and harder to imagine the game with anything else. It was a great choice for Square to use them in this title.
The music, oh the wonderful music, is just amazing. A walkthrough 25 years of some of the most memorable and greatest musical scoring in video game history. What more could be wanted? That being said, some of it does not work well with the speaker system of the 3DS. It comes off a little fuzzy, and sounds like a scratched CD at times. That is easily rectified with a head set, which I think is how the game is intended to be played. With the headphones, you can experience the music as you did the first time you played the original game.

And of course there is RPG elements in the game. How could it be Final Fantasy without that? Contrary to the belief that this would ruin the game, it actually adds more to it. You can level up, aquire better equipment, and raise stats. each character has their own individual strengths and weaknesses, which work wonderfully in bringing the RPG to the gameplay.
Overall, Theatrhythm has become a highly praised success, rather than the next line in cash rape from Square-Enix on their most successful franchise. it is hailed by some to be the beginning of Square getting back to the top spot they were once in. With its success, there has already been hints of future DLC and more titles in this sppin off. Even if a person has never played a Final Fantasy title, they will still love the game. Get it, and enjoy the hours and hours of fun you are going to ahve with this title.
