Final Fantasy X-2

Main Commands
White Magic

White Mage

Location: Defeat the Flame Dragon in Besaid Cave. Chapter 1

final fantasy x-2 dressphere white mage
Name Description AP MP Required Abilities
Pray Restore a little HP to your party. 0 0 -
Vigor Restore some HP to the user. 20 0 -
Cure Restore a little HP to one or all party members. 20 4 -
Cura Restore some HP to one or all party members. 40 10 -
Curaga Restore a lot of HP to one or all party members. 80 20 Cura
Regen Gradually restore one character's HP over time. 80 40 Curaga
Esuna Cure one character's status ailments. 20 10 -
Dispel Negate all spell effects on one enemy. 30 12 Esuna
Life Revive one KO'd character. No Wait. 30 18 -
Full-Life Revive one KO'd character and fully restore HP. 160 60 Life
Shell Reduce magical damage inflicted on the party. 30 10 -
Protect Reduce physical damage inflicted on the party. 30 12 Shell
Reflect Deflect spells cast at the party back at the enemy. 30 14 Protect
Full-Cure Fully restore one character's HP and cure status ailments. 80 99 Regen
White Magic Lv.2 Cuts the time required for 'White Magic' by 30%. 40 0 Vigor
White Magic Lv.3 Cuts the time required for 'White Magic' in half. 60 0 White Magic Lv.2

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