Final Fantasy VIII

Leviathan can be drawn from Norg, during your fight in the Balamb Garden.

final fantasy kigndom, final fantasy viii gf leviathan
Elemental: Water
Attack: Tsunami
Level HP Atk. Power
1 - -
17 1349 963
20 1546 1075
30 2206 1445
40 2847 1815
50 3550 2185
60 4234 2555
70 4926 2925
80 5626 3295
90 6334 3666
100 7050 4036
Ability AP Opens Ability AP Opens
SPR-J Learned None SPR Bonus 100 None
Magic Learned None Auto-Potion 150 None
GF Learned None SUMMAG+10% 40 SUMMAG+20%
Draw Learned None SUMMAG+20% 70 SUMMAG+30%
Item Learned None SUMMAG+30% 140 None
MAG-J 50 ELEM-ATK-J GFHP+10% 40 GFHP+20%
ELEM-ATK-J 160 None GFHP+20% 70 GFHP+30%
ELEM-DEFx2 130 None GFHP+30% 140 None
Recover 200 None Boost 10 None
SPR+20% 60 SPR+40% Supt Mag-RF 20 GF Rec Med-RF
SPR+40% 120 SPR Bonus GF Rec Med-RF 30 None

Leviathan has the strongest water based attack in the entire game. Without a doubt, he will come in handy in the fights where the enemies are weak to water. Also his Recover Ability is something you will want to get right away.
You can also get the SUPT MAG-REF from Leviathan. This will allow you to refine items into support based spells. These are great defensive spells, that also junction well to your stats.

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