Racing Johnny Rocket

When you arrive in 2300 AD, you will have to go through Lab 16. Here you will meet a very unusual and self absorbed His name is Johnny Rocket, and he will challenge you to see who can race across the ruins fastest. The first time is, of course, mandatory. But after you win once, it will open up a complete mini-game.
The game itself is just like the first time. You will race along the same track as before. As well as that, you will be given the three turbo boosters too. But we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves.
When you finish the first lap, head to the left. This will take you back to where you began the race. In this area, you will find a Race Log. Bring this back to Johnny Rocket at the finish line, and a little friend of his will appear.

This little guy will use the race log to keep record of your three fastest race times. This will also open up the dialog for the two different types of racing you can participate in. The difference is basically in mode one you will be allowed to use your three turbo boosters in the race. In the second mode, these boosters are rendered useless. You have to win on your own. Speaking of winning, bet you are wondering how that can be done. It is actually kind of simple. As you are traveling, you might have noticed that if you bump him or get bumped while he's ahead, you get knocked back a bit. This is the key to victory. Get ahead of Johnny, and keep bumping him backwards. It will give you a little edge throughout the entire race. Not much of a game really, but it is kind of fun little distraction from the quest when you are in the time period.
Millennial Fair Games
Gato the singing robot
Testing your muscle
In the first area, you will see a guy next to a bell hammer. (You know those things at the fair, where you try to strike the bell by hitting the ringer up with a hammer.) This guy offers you to try and hit the bell. If you can do it, he will reward you with a Silver Point.
This is actually a little on the difficult side, since you have to hit the button at the right time. Once you accept, Crono will start going closer and then further from the bell tower. The only time to hit it all the way up, is when Crono is the furthest from the tower. Hit the button then, and you should easily win.

Betting on the races
In the first area of the fair, you might notice several people (and a cat) racing around the square. While they are in the middle of their race, everyone will tell you the race is on, and be quiet. Thus you might not have thought anything of it, and went on your way. Well, there is a bit more to it than that.
When they are lining up and getting ready to race, speak to the man in the tent on the right side where they are lining up. He will offer to allow you to choose who you will think is going to win the next race. Make your selection, and watch the race. If you come out victorious you will be rewarded with those shiny silver points.

Soda guzzling extraordinaire
This is one of those really simple games. Your objective is to out guzzle the guy standing next to you. This is easily accomplished with a turbo controller, though I really do not think you will be needing one. You simply have to hit the 7 or more times within seven seconds. That cannot be that difficult to do right? If you win the game, you will be rewarded with 5 Silver points.
*NOTE* This game is no longer available after the fair has winded down. (After your return from 2300 AD.)

Little Tent of Horrors
And you were wondering why you needed these Silver points huh? This would be the reason!

Welcome to the Tent of Horrors. Inside you can spend your Silver points on one of three different games. Each game has an initial prize, and a secondary prize you get each time you win after the first time. You can either spend 10, 40, or 80 points each visit. And of course the er...difficulty increases with the higher priced ones. But enough about that, lets get on with the games.

In the first one, three soldiers named Biggs, Wedge, and Piette will come out. The object is to keep track of the three while they shuffle around on the stage. Once they have stopped, you will be asked to find one of them. If you get it correct, you will get a Poyozo Doll. Each time after, you will be rewarded with Cat Food.

In the second game, your party leader gets to play a little game of mimic with themselves. Each time the clone does an action, you must do the same action. The button configuration is given at the beginning of the game. If you can mime each of the commands, you will be given a clone of the party leader. Each person can have a clone. If you win with a person who is already gotten a clone, you will win cat food.

The 80 point game is the most difficult of the three, but still not hard. You companion will be dangled over the fire, while you have to fight enemies back and save them. To keep the enemies away, throw the little round packs at them. To keep your companion from being made into pot roast, you need to hit the little blue light on the left. The best way to do this is running in a right to left pattern. This way you can hit the enemies, and make it in time to hit the blue light. On your first victory you will get a cat. (Yeah a cat). Each time after, you will get cat food.
Kitty Kitty Everywhere
I bet you are wondering about the cat food you win...more so I bet you are wondering what is with the new cat you won? Well, if you return to Crono's house after winning your cat, and feed both cats in the house, they will get a little...Friskie! And bango you will begin a little cat family all your own. You can gain up to 11 new cats, the final being a little cute purple one like Magus/Janus's cat. You just have to win cat food regularly to keep the bowl at home full. What? You thought they were going to feed themselves!