Wall Market is perhaps the centerpiece of Final Fantasy VII Remake splendor and all around fun. It is a place that when you enter for the first time, even knowing the original, you know this is going to be lit.
Now before we continue let's go over Tifa and Aerith's dress choices. They are determined BEFORE ever entering Wall Market.
Now that we have that little bit of information down, shall we get to Cloud?
When you first enter into Wall Market, you will run into a man named Chocobo Sam. He is the owner of the Chocobo Carriages in the slums. And when you ask about Tifa, you will be given a choice on a description of her.
~ She's In Great Shape ~ She's a great fighter ~ She's great at handling the books
This might not seem like anything important....but it actually is. It is the beginning of determining which one of the TWO different side quest options you can do in Wall Market. If you choose the top answer, it will give a +1 to Chocobo Sam's sidequest, the bottom answer will give you a +1 towards Madam M.'s side quests, and the center option provides no points.
Now this is the first of many possible things happening that will give you one or the other's side quests. And these are all before you ever reach Don Corneo's mansion.
Now you might be wondering why it would even matter what set of quests you get. Well...the quest route you take determines which of Clouds dresses you acquire. Indeed there is no gathering of items to dress Cloud up. No no. It is far more fun than that. What I am going to do is give what options effect you, before you enter into the possible side quests.
Man at Hotel
Talking with Johnny
...No thanks How much Back off
Sam+1 Madam M.+1 -
Yeah No
Sam+1 -
Sam's coin toss
Madam M's massage parlor cost
Heads Tails No deal
Sam+1 Sam+1 -
3000 1000 100 Leave
Madam M+2 Madam M.+1 - -
Aerith's Dress
It's alright Looks comfortable It matter what I think?
Sam+1 - Madam M.+1
Vagabond Johnny
The Colosseum
Of course you are going to hit a dead end at Corneo's door. But Leslie does suggest you seek out the trio. This of course is Madam M, Chocobo Sam (whom you have already met), and Andrea Rhodea. Andrea is a little bogged down with meetings....like for the next 3 years. He is out, so head over to Sam. He will make you choose in a coin toss. After that though....he is not helping either. This leaves Madam M. Head on over and speak with her.
Before Madam M will even consider helping you, you are going to have to prove yourself. After that hand massage are you going to be able to prove yourself? You are about to find out. She suggests you enter the tournament at Corneo Colosseum. This is a tournament consisting of 3 matches against some enemies. Should not be too very hard. Of course Aerith reminds Cloud not to get too cocky. She is right.
Below is a list of the enemies you will be fighting.
Round 1
The first battle is against the Beastmaster and two Bloodhounds. Beastmaster is the easiest to get rid of. Hit him with Fira, and a couple of punisher strikes to get rid of him. The Bloodhounds are a little tougher. They easily evade most magic, and they are very quick. Seemingly punisher attacks rack their stagger up faster, but they dodge it easier too. Keep up the heat with your abilities, and there should not be too much trouble.
Round 2
Well you know these three. Burke, Butch, and Beck have returned for some revenge time. However they are not alone this time around. They have brought the aid of 5 of Corneo's Lackeys to help win the day.
First thing you want to do is get a Fire+Elemental Materia on your weapon. This will greatly aid in the fight. The trio of idiots is no rougher than they were before. The other 5 guys are not too difficult either. Just get rid of them one at a time.
Round 3
Not any enemy you have not faced before. The Sweeper and Cutter are weak as hell to Thunder. And you can get some great crits off, as long as you keep on their backsides. A little more difficult with both going at you at once. But once you get one down, it is a whole lot smoother sailing. Keep your healing up and lay waste.
Well, well, well.....you beat the entire challenge. Or so you thought. You will encounter Madam M in the waiting room. She will explain Corneo has asked for a final match. You are not happy about this news, and Madam M is beyond unhappy with the news. But there is nothing you can do about it. So head on out to the stage, and find out who your final fight is against.
Boss Fight: The Hell House!
OH YEAH THEY DID IT! Hell House has made its way into Remake! Honestly I figured there would be none of these old enemies that made no sense what so ever. Luckily I was wrong.
In the beginning of this fight, you just need to stay focused on doing damage.
A little into the battle, you will get a small cutscene. And this is where things go a little beyond wild.
At this time Hell House brings out its second form. You remember the one....somplete with some arms, other appendages, and a massive head. And then of course there is feet added, so he can run you right over. You know....as his first attack after changing does. Hell House is indeed a hell fight. And you will find that out right off the bat.
First off, this big, bad, and ugly can throw up a almost constant barrier. This makes almost all physical attacks all but useless. This is the time to shift your focus to the arms. I would suggest equipping Shiva, as well as having Ice+Elemental Materia on Clouds weapon. My suggestion is have Aerith as the primary healer. Keep her in the back areas, and have her keep eveyone full. I also added a Chakra to myself, just for the added healing ability. Also make sure you get not only Clouds Ascension Limit Break from regular Colosseum fights, but Aerith's Planet Protector Limit Break as well. I am going to strongly suggest you get Clouds Hardedge from the Weapon vendor across the street. All of this will greatly aid in this battle. It is a bit of a hard fight. Even in Easy Mode. When he flies around, dodge his attacks, and try and launch some Ice when he becomes stationary. When it is allowed in late game, bring out Shiva for some extra damage.
Do be carefull to not be in front of the Hell House too often. It will suck your character in, and get some damage done. Just keep the pressure on, and you will send this house back to hell where it belongs.
Once the colosseum is completed, Madam M will either give you her errands or direct you towards Chocobo Sam. Depending on what you want to do, just follow those choices, and you cannot miss.
But before we continue into the quests, let's begin with Clouds worst possible dress. This is where it has to be done.
In order for you to get Clouds worst possible dress....it is actually relatively simple. All you have to do is not do any other quests. Simply return to Madam M.
Yeah that is all you have to do to get Clouds worst dress.....do no quests. The story will continue on as it would normally, and you will get the dress you see here. Honestly it is not all that bad. And it does nothing to impact the game good or bad. (At least not in this release)
This would certainly be the route I would choose, if I was trying to do a speed run. You literally can skip over the quests from Madam M. or Chocobo Sam.
Burning thighs
This is the one quest that has to be done in either set, so I am going to go over it before delving into the two quest branches. And NO YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO THIS QUEST if you are going for the worst dress. Simply get your errand list, and return to Madam M's door. It will prompt you on whether or not you want to continue, before Johnny comes running.
The squat challenge actually is exactly as it was in the original game. You have to press the buttons at
the right time, in the right order. If you miss, you will fall down for a few seconds, and most likely will take a second place for a time.
I did notice something very interesting....as you go along, you can gradually increase the speed in which the buttons are pressed. I cannot determine this for absolute sure, but the score I got says a whole lot. It is hard to explain, but I increased the speed of the buttons being pressed, along with increasing the time between presses. If it was 1 second between the first few times around the buttons, I increased it to 1/2 a second by the end.
Again whether this is fact, or I am just darn good at this little quest, I cannot say FOR FACT. It is just specualtion that happens to work.
Regardless, after you win the initial tournament, you are done. This also opens the Squats Mini-game, that you can complete to get the Sultan of Squat trophy.
Drunkard's Bathroom
Alley behind Madam M's
Alley by the Honeybee Inn
1x Sedative
3x Big Bombers
1x Celeris
I did want to note that you can indeed try to get into the Honeybee Inn with the VIP Card. Of course the Matre D is beyond pleased to accomodate.....until he realizes it is not YOUR VIP Card.
A Dynamite Body
When you return to Chocobo Sam, he will send you off to the Corneo Colosseum. As with Madam M.....he thinks maybe....defeating Hell House was not enough to prove yourself. So off you go.
This time you are going up against a set of Bomb enemies.
Bomb x2
Before going into this battle, you should definitely do the other matches, and get Clouds Ascension Limit Break.
You certainly want a Ice Materia coupled with a Elemental Materia on your weapon. Or if it is at Level 2, you can couple a Fire Materia with a Elemental Materia in your armor.
Otherwise this is a pretty straight forward fight. Go after one at a time, and keep the heat up no pun intended.
Once both Bombs are destroyed head on Back to Chocobo Sam. Your quests for him are done. Head on back to Madam M, and see if Aerith is ready.
Completing Chocobo Sam's quests will grant Cloud his second best (and in my opinion the best looking) dress possible. Not only does this set of quests give the second best dress, but this is the questline (Part Never Stops) is the closest to the original game. A whole lot of what you do, was done in the original to gain your various parts for your dress.
It is certainly brought to a higher level of fun with Johnny going around with you. His antics and the humor just makes this so worth doing at least one time, if not a few times.
Price of Thievery
When you leave Madam M.'s, head over to the Chocobo Station where you met Chocobo Sam. In front of you you will see a familiar face in a bit of an argument.
Mireille is trying to convince the man that the Angel of the Slums did not steal Corneo's stash. He is certain she did with the calling card that was left. It is from the Angle of the Slums. You will then be charged with bringing the real thieves to justice.
~Side Note~ This is the only quest that leaves Wall Market.
Head back towards the park where you spoke to Aerith, and back into the expressway. Here you will run into 3 familiar faces. And this time they brought a friend.
This can be a complicated fight, or it can be an easy one. First set yourself with a Fire + Elemental Materia combo in your weapon. People are weak to fire in this game, and you need to exploit that. If you have a higher Chakra Materia, bring it along too. This will keep the MP up for Fire spells when needed. Lastly, if you have the room, bring a Steal Materia.
Seemingly the best strategy is to take out your trio of idiots first. Burke, Beck, and Butch are the same as the Colosseum challange, and should not be too difficult to over power and destroy. Espeially with fire on your weapon. They are not the problem in this fight though. That is their new "Brick Shithouse". The Grungy Bandit is a powerhouse of pain if he gets a hold of you. He will toss you around like a little rag doll, and do some big damage. If he throws you, body slams you, or anything else, get away and make sure you are properly healed before going back in. Chakra is the lifesaver here, as there is no MP consumption, and it will heal well at higher levels. Fire is indeed your friend here, and you can slap him with a few Fira(ga) spells to bring his HP down. When he is staggered, hit Punisher mode (if not in it) and just wail on him. Focused Thrust and Triple Shot abilities work wonders for stagger damage. If you feel so lucky, you can steal a Champion Belt from him. When you are done, the scene will shift back to Mireille.
When you return, it becomes clear these are the actual villains of crime. And they get taken away. Mireille thanks you for your aid in helping her clear the Angel's name. It becomes very clear that there is something more to her. She declines your offer to take the stuff for the Leaf House back, and walks away.
As she walks away, someone yells out that Don Corneo has been robbed. And as you look on, you wonder if you were a part of that little crime.
Shears Counterattack
The one thing that gets everyone the first time is this is a whole new kind of cutter enemy, and this big, red, badass means business. But aside from increased speed and range.....he is no more difficult than the cutters faced already.
First set yourself up with a Thunder + Elemental Materia combo in your weapon. You definitely want to have Thundara(ga) in your spells, since the machines are weak to thunder. Literally a few casts of the higher tiered spells go a long way. Definitely try to remain out of his line of sight. Stay on the sides or behind him when possible. His cutters can do some damage. This mech also has the ability to close great distance pretty fast too. So remaining on the outside range will not work very long. But it is long enough to catch a healing spell, or hit him with a thunder spell. After that you definitely want to move. Just keep up the attacks, and he will go down a lot faster than it would seem he should.
When you are done, head on back to Madam M.
Completing Madam M.'s quests will grant Cloud his best (though in my opinion not best looking) dress possible. Not only does this set of quests ensure the best dress, but there is yet another reward you will gain later.
As you might have noticed, The Angel of the Slums is certainly an over-arching quest line in the game. If you go through this set of quests, you will be able to finish her story and get a really awesome reward at the end of Chapter 14.
Wall Market is an interesting place. You cannot gain the "Best In The Business" trophy, without a second playthrough that goes a different route from your first one.
You also cannot gain the "Dressed To The Nines" without several plays of different chapters. 3 different playthroughs for Aerith and Tifa. With Cloud you can just save right at the entrance of Wall Market, and complete the chapter with whichever dress you want to obtain. Thank God for the Chapter Select. As long as you make your choice, and complete said chapter, it will register, and you can simply skip to Chapter 9. In Chapter 9, for anything to count, you have to play the entire chapter. Basically all the way up to the fight with Abzu.
Now with all this completed, shall we continue onto the main event of the entire chapter.....
Now that Aerith is all ready, it is time to head off to the Honeybee Inn. Just follow Aerith down the road.
When you enter the Honeybee Inn....whooo baby you are in for a ride. I was worried about this section. Were they going to remove it? If they kept it the same, would it come off as cleverly as it does in the original? A plethora of things went through my mind. But when I got to this point, I could not believe it. They classed up Clouds getting dressed and certainly ramped this entire section to 11! A definite enjoyment, slamming tunes, and just absolute fun times. But even before we get to the actual great Burlesque-esque dance, lets get into the other fun things in the Inn.
Dance Practice
Before you can enter the actual stage, and get things started, you will be stopped by the Honeybees.
After the dance practice, it is time to buckle your seat belts. The show of shows is about to begin. Below is my 3 video play throughs. The first is for Clouds worst dress, second for his mid dress, and third for his best dress.
Each one is better scoring than the previous one, so you can see Aeriths change in reactions from a poor score to a high score.
It should be noted that in order to get Andrea's Earrings and the Dancing Queen trophy, you need a Great Score of 20 or higher.
~~~~~~After the Show~~~~~~
When the dance is over, and Cloud heads out humiliated, you can go around and chat with folks. I found some interesting and fun folks to talk to here and there.
Sadly there is just no Johnny around.
Don Corneo's Audition
Once you are done parusing Wall Market in your lovely new gown, you just simply need to head to Corneo's Mansion. And of course things do not start off well. You are sent to a room where you are gassed, and wake up in a completley different room. Luckily Tifa is here, and Cloud gives his best line of the game.
Once reunited, it is time to trot out the ladies. Below is a video of the entire encounter, because it is just too great to not watch. Also there is some missable things you can get when controlling the ladies. I thought I could show that as well.
And this of course concludes the amazing time at Wall Market for your party at this time. Catch you later on in the game.
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