Your main mode of transportation through Final Fantasy XV's vast world is the princes sleek and dynamic Regalia. This vehicle has it all. You can shop from this vehicle, choose different music to play while driving, and so much more. As the game progresses, Cindy will send you on quests to upgrade, improve, and even change the Regalia.
The Regalia is shown on your map with the . When you are lost in the world, this marker will determine the location of your vehicle. It makes it so much easier to find, when you do not see it in the game itself. So what exactly are the features of this vehicle? Let's break them down one by one shall we?
The Auto function gives control of the Regalia to Ignis. You will have no control over the vehicle in this setting. Ignis is careful and cautious with the car as well, so it is not using the speed to its fullest. That being said, you are in no danger of ever wrecking the vehicle while Ignis is in the drivers seat. You can, however, still push past destination markers, and have Ignis stop at any time.
When you select Auto, a second list of options becomes available to set as your destination. These are Quest Locations, Parking Spots, And Map Points. With the later two, if you have visited the location before, you have another option brought up for fast travel. Rather than physically drive to the location, you arrive immediately after a small load screen. In some cases, quest locations also allow for fast travel.
It should be noted that for a great deal of time in the game, Ignis will not drive at night. So the Auto feature is not available at night.
What Resume does is if you have stopped before a destination is reached for whatever reason, you have the ability to resume the drive to said destination point. You do not have to reset the marker you already set. So say you are heading to Hammerhead, and you stop to do a dungeon, you can then resume your travel to Hammerhead without selecting it again.
Also when a quest has been chosen for the marker point, you can use the Resume feature to continue the quest (If there is multiple points to the quest), or return to the quest giver. You do not have to select a new marker. (Though if you are interested in fast traveling to these locations (Where applicable) I suggest using the Map Marker to hit your quest destinations.
Manually driving the Regalia puts Noctis/you in control. You do not get to do this, unless it is dark, in the beginning of the game. Noctus has to prove he can drive the Regalia responsibly. When manual is selected, there is no other options available to use. You simply drive the car wherever you wish to drive. Simple, and easy to use!
While in the menu, you can shop from the comfort of your vehicle. In the beginning, the stock is much smaller, but as time progresses more items are added. This feature is great if you are heading into a hunt, dungeon, or whatnot and forgot to stock up. Two key items become available only through the Regalia as the game progresses. They are the Beast Whistle, which summons enemies to you. And the Portable MP3 player. This allows you to play any of the Memories of Final Fantasy you purchesed, while exploring the terrain on foot.
Below is a complete list of all the Regalia's available merchandise.
Items |
Name |
Cost |
Potion |
50 |
Hi-Potion |
100 |
Elixir |
400 |
Hi-Elixir |
800 |
Phoenix Down |
1000 |
Antidote |
10 |
Gold Needle |
50 |
Smelling Salts |
50 |
Maiden's Kiss |
100 |
Ether |
100 |
Remedy |
500 |
Power EX |
500 |
Mettle VX |
500 |
Spirit ZX |
500 |
Verve WX |
500 |
Leisure Goods |
Name |
Cost |
Spider Silk |
30 |
Super Baleen |
100 |
Poppeck: Chocobo |
50 |
Poppeck: White Chocobo |
50 |
Poppeck: Red Chocobo |
50 |
Sweet Jamming: Custard |
50 |
Sweet Jamming: Flan |
50 |
Sweet Jamming: Mousse |
50 |
Bomber: Bomb |
50 |
Bomber: Ice Bomb |
50 |
Bomber: Thunder Bomb |
50 |
Needle 1,000: Cactuar |
50 |
Needle 1,000: Metal Cactuar |
50 |
Needle 1,000: Gold Cactuar |
50 |
Whiskers: Pearly Moogle |
50 |
Whiskers: Crystal |
50 |
Whiskers: Chocolate |
50 |
Fatal Roulette: Ahriman |
50 |
Fatal Roulette: Floating Eye |
50 |
Fatal Roulette: Bloody Eye |
50 |
Stinker: Malboro |
200 |
Stinker: Malborodoom |
200 |
Stinker: Great Malboro |
200 |
Deadly Waters: Sahagin |
200 |
Deadly Waters: Coraldevil |
200 |
Deadly Waters: Seadevil |
200 |
Jumbo Tusk: Garula |
200 |
Jumbo Tusk: Green Garula |
200 |
Jumbo Tusk: Garulessa |
200 |
Giant Needle 10,000: Gigantuar |
200 |
Giant Needle 10,000: Metal Gigantuar |
200 |
Giant Needle 10,000: Gold Gigantuar |
200 |
Hot Breather: Red Dragon |
50 |
Hot Breather: Green Dragon |
50 |
Hot Breather: Blue Dragon |
50 |
Burrower: Mad Pink Sandworm |
200 |
Burrower: Green Sandworm |
200 |
Burrower: Abyss Worm |
200 |
Stormer: Focalor |
200 |
Stormer: Purple Belly Focalor |
200 |
Stormer: Chert Focalor |
200 |
Invinsible Iron Giant |
200 |
Gemlight: Caster Carbuncle |
3000 |
Accessories |
Name |
Cost |
Titanium Bangle |
2500 |
Heliodor Bracelet |
2000 |
Talisman |
1500 |
Knight's Anklet |
2500 |
Oracle Card |
2500 |
Star Pendant |
3000 |
Rainbow Pendant |
3000 |
Earth Pendant |
3000 |
Moon Pendant |
3000 |
Golden Hourglass |
3000 |
Treasures |
Name |
Cost |
Repair Kit |
100 |
Ingredients |
Name |
Cost |
Gighee Horn |
30 |
Luncheon Meat |
100 |
Birdbreast Egg |
20 |
Sheep Milk |
10 |
Daggerquill Breast |
60 |
Anak Meat |
80 |
Bulette Shank |
220 |
Garula Sirloin |
120 |
Dualhorn Steak |
160 |
Chicatrice Leg |
240 |
Trevally Filet |
100 |
Trout Filet |
240 |
Gigantoad Steak |
520 |
Wild Onion |
100 |
Lucian Tomato |
200 |
Killer Tomato |
500 |
Leiden Potato |
40 |
Funguar |
80 |
Chocobean |
100 |
Cleigne Wheat |
100 |
Saxham Rice |
200 |
Leiden Pepper |
20 |
Sweet Pepper |
50 |
Garlic |
100 |
Leiden Sweet Potato |
160 |
Scheir Turmeric |
250 |
Hulldagh Nutmeg |
600 |
Kettier Ginger |
600 |
Allural Shallot |
800 |
Key Items |
Name |
Cost |
Beast Whistle |
- |
Portable MP3 Player |
100 |
Main Menu
The Main Menu allows you to access the in-game menu at any time while driving. You can go through any of the menu functions, while you are driving. You do not drive, while the main menu is accessed though. When you exit out of the menu, the driving will resume.
Regalia and Fuel
You will have to buy fuel, in order to drive the Regalia. Petrol Stations are found all over Eos, and are marked with a . Keep an eye on the fuel guage while driving. If you run out of fuel you have two options.
-You can push the car to the nearest location, as you did in the beginning of the game.
-You can have Cindy come and assist you for a fee. I suggest fueling up whenever you get below 1/2 a tank. It insures you do not ever run out of fuel.
In the beginning of the game, fuel costs 10 Gil. This will be reduced by 1/2 at some point in the game. Being as cheap as it is, it is easy enough to keep the tank topped off. Below is a list of the Petrol Stations found in the game.
Galdin Quay
Coernix Station - Alstor
Coernix Station - Cauthess
Taelpar Rest Area
Cauthess Rest Area
Old Lestallum
Coernix Station - Lestallum
Burbost Souvenir Emporium
Meldacio Hunter HQ
Verinas Mart - Ravatogh
Regalia Type-D
The Type-D was added in patch 1.11. It can be installed by Cindy at any point within the game.
Type-D allows the player to take full control of the Regalia and take it off-road.
If you land on enemies, it will damage them/kill them. You do not gain EXP this way, however you do get to collect the loot from defeated enemies. If enemies ram the Regalia, you lose endurance on the vehicle. If the Endurance reaches 0, it is game over. If you wish to fix the Regalia's endurance, you need to have Cindy repair it at Hammerhead.
The Type-D can jump if the player presses while on the ground. Depending on your jump height, and how you do, several things might occur. Prompto might high-5 any one of the other friends.
Noctus laughs at Prompto getting a little freaked. Prompto might even snap a group selfie or two. (Pictures do not show up at days end...sorry)

If you get a really good jump going, time slows down and Gladiolus stands up for a pose, while the car is going through the air. This is referred to as a Big Jump. When you land, you are scored based on distance, and the smoothness of your landing. I believe my best jump was off the bridge on the western side of the Vesperpool Region. However Big Jumps have happened all over the map. Even when you do not think it will.

When you perform your jump, all the points are added up and shown on the screen. You will then get your top scores. Once it leaves the screen, there is no way of keeping track of what your scores are to my knowledge. I cannot find anything in any of the menus keeping tabs of your jumps.
 It should be noted that with the Royal Edition, a lot more things are added for the Regalia Type-D. It also becomes quest related to getting the upgrade from Cindy.
Regalia Type-F
 During the post-game, the player can complete the "Into Unknown Frontiers" sidequest to upgrade the Regalia yet again into the Regalia Type-F. This will allow the Regalia to take flight if the player wants to. In order to get this accomplished, the player needs the following key items:
Strange Engine - Found in Formouth Garrison, in area behind where the player had the main fight.
Warped Wings - Found in Aracheole Stronghold, in a small room to left of entrance to the main fight.
Unstable Stabilizer - Obtained during the quest Imperial Infiltration in Fort Vaullerey.
Once you have all three parts, bring them to Cindy, and she will allow you to take flight. The main positive perk about the Type-F is there is no fuel consumption with it. You will no longer have to worry about stopping along the journey to refuel. Just go and go and go.
Taking flight is easy enough. Once the Regalia is going fast enough, press the to take off from any road. Once in the air, you can literally fly anywhere over the Lucius Empire. You cannot fly to Altissia or Nifelheim.
Landing is a pain in and of itself. You will need to press the in order to land. You will need to adjust your trajectory in order to land on the roads. If you do not land on the road crash, and it is game over.

So what is the purpose of being able to fly the Regalia...? Well only one reasl reason for it. And that is the Pitious Ruins. Honestly I cannot find any other reason for flying the Regalia. The car itself is great for the "no need for fuel" aspect. But as far as the flight mode goes, once you completed the ruins, there is no real reason to fly.