Unlocking door Lv 1 Dungeon
![](z1/lock1.gif) Inside the entrance to the Level 1 Dungeon, you will find a door unlocked. Rather than going into either side room and getting the key, here is a better idea. Leave the dungeon and immediately come back inside. You will notice that now the door is unlocked. Thus no need for a key to be used. Now you can get the key that was supposed to be for this door, enabling you to have an extra one for some time to come.
Lost Forest Maze
The only way to get to the cemetery is through the Lost Forest. This is a maze of sorts, in the meaning you can only exit back on way, and you have to follow a certain path to get through. Below is the solution for everyone who cannot seem to get through this mysterious maze. This is the only way to reach the Power Bracelet. You can also gain the Magic Sword later in the game.
Mountain top Maze
This is the only means to get to the dungeon above, and that is exactly what you have to do. To get through the maze, you need to go up 4 times. To go any other way will either bring you back to the screen, or allow you to leave the area.
Hidden Save Screen
Pause the game with the Start button on controller one. Now with the second controller, hold the Up button and press A. A screen you show up giving you the options to Continue, Save, or Retry. Select the Save option and your game is saved.
Rupy Cash Flow
Make sure that you have at least 10 rupies and the gambling spot, one screen left of the game start location, revealed. Go to the gambling spot and play. If you win then save your game with the Save Screen Trick listed above. If you lose then try again by selecting the Retry option with the Save Screen Trick and go back to the gambling spot. Repeat this until you have the desired amount of rupies you want.