Dragon Warrior

Main Characters

dragon warrior character hero
Hero You are the brave warrior of this tale and descendant of Erdrick. Your quest is to rescue the Princess, and defeat the Dragonlords evil that is spreading across Alefgard.
dragon warrior character king lorik
King Lorik The great ruler of all Alefgard. The kings daughter, Princess Gwaelin,has been kidnapped by the Dragonlords henchmen. It is up to you to rescue her.
dragon warrior character princess gwaelin
Princess Gwaelin King Lorik's beautiful daughter. She was kidnapped by the henchmen of the Dragonlord. It seems destined that you rescue her. Her love will surely aid you as you seek out the Dragonlord.
dragon warrior character dragonlord
Dragonlord The ultimate evil of Alefgard. The Dragonlord stole the Ball of Light, and was responsible for the kidnapping of Princess Gwaelin. You have been chosen to seek him out, destroy him, and return the Ball of Light to King Lorik.

 Dragon Warrior Series
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Dragon Warrior is a of Square-Enix Co. Ltd. All images, music, logo's, etc are Square-Enix.