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   - PS1

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   - PSP

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   - Bonus Dungeons
   - Labyrinth of Time

   - NES
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   - Soul of Rebirth

   - NES
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   - Summons
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
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   - Transportation
   - Onion Knight

   Coming Soon!

   - SNES
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   - Cave of Trials
   - Lunar Ruins



   - SNES
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   - Summons
   - Blue Magic
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   - Optional Bosses
   - World Maps
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   - Misc. Quests
   - Chemist List

   - PS1
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   - Jobs
   - Magic
   - Summons
   - Blue Magic
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   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Relics
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - Optional Bosses
   - World Maps
   - Transportation
   - Misc. Quests
   - Chemist List



   - SNES
   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Limit Breaks
   - Skills
   - Magic
   - Espers
   - Lore Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Relics
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Hidden Characters
   - Misc. Quests
   - The Opera
   - Imperial Banquet
   - Secrets
   - Colosseum

   - PS1
   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Limit Breaks
   - Skills
   - Magic
   - Espers
   - Lore Magic
   - Weapons
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   - Items
   - Bestiary
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   - Misc. Quests
   - The Opera
   - Imperial Banquet
   - Secrets
   - Colosseum

   - Game Info
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   - Magic
   - Enemy Skills
   - Summons
   - Materia
   - Weapons
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   - Accessories
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Hidden Characters
   - Chocobo's
   - Ultimate Weapons
   - Ultimate Limit Breaks
   - Gold Saucer
   - Ancient Forest
   - Wutai
   - Gast's Reports
   - Cloud's True Past
   - Vincent's History
   - Dating Game
   - Misc. Quests
   - PC Achievements

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Limit Breaks
   - Magic
   - Blue Magic
   - Guardian Forces
   - Weapons
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - Devour List
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Triple Triad
   - Card Quests
   - Chocobo Forests
   - Deep Sea Research Facility
   - Centra Ruins
   - Misc. Quests
   - SeeD test & Pay
   - Eyes On Me
   - Omega Weapon

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Trance
   - Abilities
   - Skills
   - Magic
   - Blue Magic
   - Eidolons
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Add-Ons
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Tetra Master
   - Chocobo Hot & Cold
   - Chocographs
   - Mognet
   - Stellazio Coins
   - Optional Bosses
   - Mini-Games
   - Misc. Quests
   - Funny Shots
   - Lyrics

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Sphere Grid
   - Magic
   - Aeons
   - Items
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Lyrics

   - Game Info

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Quickenings
   - License Board
   - Gambits
   - Magick
   - Espers
   - Technicks
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   - Accessories
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Rare Game
   - Marks
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Hunts
   - Bazaar
   - Optional Bosses
   - Hidden Espers
   - Nabudis
   - Clan Centurio/ Clan Primer

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Summons
   - Components

   - Game Info

   materiaCompilation of VII

   - Game Info

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - D.M.W.
   - Limit Skills
   - Magic
   - Summons
   - Materia
   - Materia Fusion
   - Accessories
   - Items
   - Shop Lists
   - Minerva

   - Movie Info
   - Characters
   - Voice Actors
   - Producers
   - Game Difference

   - Story

   - Noevela Info
   - Case of Denzel
   - Case of Tifa
   - Case of Barret
   - Case of Yuffie
   - Case of Nanaki
   - Case of Lifestream
   - Case of Shinra

   - Movie Info
   - Characters
   - Voice Actors
   - Producers
   - Special Features

   - Game Info
   - Gameplay
   - Characters
   - Limit Breaks
   - Materia
   - Guns
   - Barrel Parts
   - Accessories
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - Omega WEAPON
   - Memory Capsules
   - Extra Mission Capsules
   - Voice Actors
   - Redemption

   - Game Info

   materiaFinest Fantasy For Advance

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Misc. Stuff
   - Bonus Dungeons

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Memory Game
   - Soul of Rebirth

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Summons
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Transportation
   - Developer's Room
   - Secrets
   - Cave of Trials
   - Lunar Ruins

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Jobs
   - Magic
   - Summons
   - Blue Magic
   - Abilities
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Relics
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - Optional Bosses
   - World Maps
   - Transportation
   - Misc. Quests
   - Chemist List
   - Combine List
   - Sealed Temple
   - Cloister of the Dead

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Limit Breaks
   - Skills
   - Magic
   - Espers
   - Lore Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Relics
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Maps
   - Transportation
   - Hidden Characters
   - Misc. Quests
   - The Opera
   - Imperial Banquet
   - Secrets
   - Colosseum
   - Dragon's Den
   - Soul Shrine


   - Info/Video

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Garment Grids
   - Dresspheres
   - Magic
   - Blue Bullets
   - Accessories
   - Items
   - Bosses
   - Transportation
   - Lyrics

   - Game Info

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Summons

   materiaFabula Novis Crystallis

   - Game Info

   - Characters

   - Game Info

   - Game Info


   Coming Soon!

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Jobs
   - Magick
   - Summons
   - Abilities
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Helmets
   - Shields
   - Accessories
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Lucavi
   - Errands

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Jobs
   - Magic
   - Summons
   - Totema
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Accessories
   - Items
   - Bestiary

   - Game Info

   materiaCrystal Chronicles

   - Game Info

   - Game Info

   - Game Info

   - Game Info

   - Game Info

   - Game Info

   materiaFilm / OVA / Anime

   - Movie Info
   - Characters
   - Voice Cast
   - Lyrics
   - Easter Eggs
   - Special Features

   - Series Info

   - Series Info


   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Enemies
   - Bosses
   - Monster Transformations

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - Magic
   - Weapons
   - Armor
   - Items
   - Enemies
   - Bosses
   - World Map

   - Game Info
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   - Magic
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   - Armor
   - Items
   - Bestiary
   - Bosses
   - World Map
   - Battle Fields

   - Game Info
   - Characters
   - EX Mode
   - Abilities
   - Summons
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   - Head Armor
   - Body Armor
   - Accessories
   - PP Catalog
   - Player Icons
   - Cosmos Reports
   - Chaos Reports
   - Museum
   - Accomplishments
   - Level Up Trick


   - Story Mode
   - Arcade Mode
   - Duel Colosseum
   - Quick Battle

   - Game Info

   - Game Info
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   - Locations
   - Achievements
--------Premium Content--------

   - Characters
   - Weapons
   - Enemies
   - Bosses

Tactics Advance Characters

final fantasy tactics advance character marche
Marche Radiuju

Marche has just moved to St. Ivalice, and is very shy. He then meets two new friends named Mewt and Ritz. When they chance upon a magical tome, they get transported to a magical world known as Ivalice. Marche, being headstrong and having a very strong sense of justice, has a bit of difficulty seeing other peoples point of view on matters. He vows to return him and his friends back to the real world.

final fantasy tactics advance character montblanc

Montblanc runs into Marche as he roams the streets of Ivalice in confusion. The moogle is quick to make friends with him and helps Marche find his way around the strange new world he is in. Though he may be just a Moogle, Montblanc is more trustworthy than most in Ivalice and serves as a great ally to Marche.

final fantasy tactics advance character mewt
Mewt Randell

Mewt is very, very shy and a little precocious. Mewt is often picked on by other kids in school for this, as well as the teddy bear he is contantly carrying. Ever since Mewt's mother passed away, his father has had difficulty with his work, and Mewt has only gotten worse. The teddy bear he always carries with him was a gift from his mother. He finds a friend in Marche and Ritz, who give him some comfort. When Mewt finds the tome at the bookstore, everything he knows changes.

final fantasy tactics advance character ritz
Ritz Malheur

Unlike her two friends, Ritz is quite outspoken and strong-minded. While she excels in both classes and in sports, her independent spirit and firm sense of right and wrong result in most other kids stearing away. Being as outspoken as she is, you would Expect there to be nothing hidden about Ritz. But she carries a great secret that troubles her deeply. When Ivalice is changed by the children, Ritz is nowhere to be found.

final fantasy tactics advance character shara

Shara is a Viera who has great specialty in archery. She is a member of Ritz's clan who she quickly befriends. Shara is present anywhere Ritz goes, and they are very close friends. Her past is a mystery to all others, and not much is known about her. The only real thing known about Shara is her fear of spiders.

final fantasy tactics advance character ezel
Ezel Berbier

Ezel is a Nu Mou whom Marche rescues after defeating Famfrit. Judgemaster Cid arrives and uses and Advanced Law to make Marshe unable to act or flee, but Ezel counters it with an Anti-Law to nullify the law. He then teleports everyone to safety. Ezel then offers to trade Anti-Laws with Marche and the rest of Clan Nutsy. His ability to counter Advanced Laws make him a great asset to the party, and a pain to the Judges.

final fantasy tactics advance character babus
Babus Swain

Babus initially opposes Marche's desire to revert the world to normal. He even attacks the party, but Marche renders Babus unconscious. It is not until later, that Babus comes to realize the truth about Mewt and the world. He then decides that going against Mewt is in his best interests and the intrests of the Prince.

final fantasy tactics advance character cid
Judgemaster Cid Randell

Judgemaster Cid is Mewt Randell's father, and in the fantasy world of Ivalice, he is the Judgemaster. He is the leader of the Judges that enforce Ivalice's laws. While he performs the standard duties of a regular judge, he also has the power to issue Advanced Laws. These are laws that render actions unusable in Ivalice. He fights Marche's attempts to change the world back to normal, but he comes to realize that Marshe is right, and thus takes his place with Marshe.

final fantasy tactics advance character llednar
Llednar Twem

Llednar Twem is the embodiment of Mewt Randell's darker side. He was created by the Li-Grim to stop Marche from reverting the world back to normal. The Li-Grim places a Fortune Law on Twem, rendering him invincible. He then goes after Marshe to try and stop him. It is uncertain if the party can ever overcome this foe, but they must do so, in order to return to their world.

final fantasy tactics advance character remedi
Queen Remedi

In the real world, Remedi has passed, but in the new Ivalice she is very much alive and well. But the new Remedi is different somehow. HSe is not quite what she seems. This Remedi is bent on Keeping the new Ivalice as it is, and tries to stop Marche at every chance. It is in fact Remedi herself that is part of the reason the fantasy world continues to exist, along with the five Totema. This queen, almost a Totema herself, could spell the doom of everyone.